The aperture is the size of the lens opening. It controls the amount of light let in: A larger aperture lets in more light, while a smaller aperture lets in less light.
APERTURE When the f number is small, the lens diaphragm is actually wide open. If it is a large number (F22), then the lens diaphragm is smaller or more closed. Opening lens = LOWERING f NUMBER Closing lens = HIGHER f NUMBER
APERTURE Besides letting in more light or less light….. What does aperture actually control and why would we want to use it?
APERTURE Aperture controls DEPTH OF FIELD The higher the F number, the more of the photo that will be in focus.
APERTURE If you’re taking a photo of a landscape and you want the foreground and the background to be sharp and in focus, you will need to set your f value (or aperture) to a large number. EXAMPLE: F/11 If you’re taking a photograph of a bird and you want the animal in focus but not the background, then you would choose a small f number like F/4