EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder ERPANET-Workshop „Persistent Identifiers“ (18th June 2004 ) Persistent Identifiers in Germany – Activities at Die Deutsche Bibliothek in the context of the EPICUR-project Die Deutsche Bibliothek Kathrin Schroeder
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder CARMEN-AP4 project ( ) Development of a Prototype Introduction of co-operative URN- Management for Online-Dissertations urn:nbn:de:[designations of library association]:[official notation of university libraries]-[unique production number][check digit] EPICUR project ( ) Extension of established URN-Management Enhancement and migration of the prototype Objective: URNs replace URLs Persistent Identifier related activities at Die Deutsche Bibliothek
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Objectives urn:nbn:de: „Provision of organisational and technical conditions to assign, manage and resolve URNs the namespace "nbn:de" Assignment of URN sub-namespaces URN-Assignment URN-Registration URL-Administration URN-Resolving Services of Die Deutsche Bibliothek URN-Strategy of Die Deutsche Bibliothek (EPICUR)
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Principles of URN Management – State of the Art Naming Authority, Registration, Resolution (urn:nbn:de, urn:nbn:ch, urn:nbn:se) Delegated Naming Authority Delegated Naming Authority Delegated Naming Authority Delegated Naming Authority External Resolution Service(s)
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Technical and organisational Infrastructure of URN Management Die Deutsche Bibliothek aggregate Libray Association / Institution (Publishers etc., NL in Switzerland) University Libraries / Ass. Institutions University Libraries / Institutions External Resolution Service(s) Mirror (BSZ)
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Formal URN-structure Libraries belonging to library association structure urn:nbn:de:[designations of library association]:[official notation of university libraries]-[unique production number][check digit] urn:nbn:de:gbv: Institutions outside the library association urn:nbn:de:[four digit number]-[unique production number][check digit] urn:nbn:de: Contact + Registration Kathrin Schroeder
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder To what can a URN (nbn:de) be assigned and managed? objects currently archived by Die Deutsche Bibliothek objects to be archived in Die Deutsche Bibliothek in the future Objects which will be administered on certified document servers - Quality criteria e.g. URL-Updating - Endeavors by DINI - perspective of long term preservation (BMBF project: no content-based selection! URN-Strategy of Die Deutsche Bibliothek (EPICUR)
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Online dissertations urn:nbn:de:gbv: Publisher publications urn:nbn:de: Reportsurn:nbn:de: , urn:nbn:de:kobv:b Conference proceedings urn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus Journalsurn:nbn:de: Articlesurn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus Videosurn:nbn:de: , urn:nbn:ch:bel-2319 Annual reports urn:nbn:de:kobv:b Monographsurn:nbn:de:bsz:93-opus Digitized materialsurn:nbn:de:kobv:b Lecturesurn:nbn:de: XML namespaceurn:nbn:de: URN-Assignment – State of the Art
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Object URN-Objects Part objects
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Principles URNs are valid after their registration at Die Deutsche Bibliothek URN-Registration within 24 hours of their publication on a document server URL-Updating is mandatory In case of a distributed object storage URN must be transferred as part of the metadata or as access mechanism [...] Recommendations URNs should be assigned as closely as possible to the object URNs should be a component of metadata. A character set according to RFC 1738 for URLs should be used. URN-Strategy of Die Deutsche Bibliothek (EPICUR)
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Registration Requirement URN-Registration within 24 hours non their publication on a document server Realization What? - URN - URL(s), MimeTypes How? - Existing workflows - Several transfer interfaces Separation of bibliographic metadata and information concerning the URN management
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Registration using existing Workflows – Metadata for Online-Dissertations „MetaDiss“
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder URN-Management: Additional Transfer Interfaces Manual URN administration - Web-Interface Automated URN administration - -Attachment - OAI 2.0
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Application at Die Deutsche Bibliothek – State of the Art URN
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder PI NO URLs! Application at Die Deutsche Bibliothek – Objective I
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder PI No Resolver-URL! Application at Die Deutsche Bibliothek – Objective II
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder A first Step: Development of a Browser-Plugin for Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox Application at Die Deutsche Bibliothek – Objective II
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Institution > 60 University libraries Research Institutions, Publishers, regional Web-Archivs National Library in Switzerland (SLB) [...] monthly updated statistics Digital Library Tools OPUS MyCoRe Several document servers URN-Adaption – State of the Art
EPICUR Kathrin Schroeder Contact at Die Deutsche Bibliothek: Kathrin Schroeder Tel: Alexander Slotta Tel: Homepage: „ Thank you!