 Homework Answers Standardized Test Prep & Mixed Review P. 192 #s 58-68 all 58)62) 59)63) 60) 64) 61) 65)


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Presentation transcript:

 Homework Answers Standardized Test Prep & Mixed Review P. 192 #s all 58)62) 59)63) 60) 64) 61) 65)

 Homework Answers Standardized Test Prep & Mixed Review P. 192 #s all 66) Whole numbers 67) Natural numbers 68) Integers

 Homework Answers Standardized Test Prep & Mixed Review P. 199 #s all

 Homework Answers Standardized Test Prep & Mixed Review P. 199 #s all

 Objectives: To write sets and identify subsets To find the complement of a set Section 3 – 5 Working With Sets

 Warm-Up

  A collection of distinct elements Set: Subset:  Contains elements from a set

 Writing Sets Roster Form Set-Builder Notation  Lists the elements of a set within braces { } Example:  Describes the properties of the elements in the set Example:

 How do you write “T is the set of natural numbers that are less than 6” in roster form? In set-builder notation? Problem # 1 Using Roster Form & Set-Builder Notation

 N is the set of even natural numbers that are less than or equal to 12. How do you write N in roster form? How do you write N in set-builder notation? Problem # 1 Got it?

 a)How do you write the solutions of -5x+7 ≤ 17 in set-builder notation? Problem # 2 Inequalities and Set-Builder Notation

 b)How do you write the solutions of 9 – 4n > 21 in set-builder notation? Problem # 2 Inequalities and Set-Builder Notation

 In set-builder notation, how do you write the solutions of -4x + 3 < 15? Problem # 2 Got it?

 Empty Set:

 a) What are the subsets of the set {3, 4, 5}? Problem # 3 Finding Subsets

 b) What are the subsets of the set {1, 2}? Problem # 3 Finding Subsets

 What are the subsets of the set P = {a, b, c}? Problem # 3 Got It?

  3 – 5 Worksheet #s 1-23 all Classwork & Homework Assignment

 Homework Answers 3-5 Practice Form G #s 1-23 all

 Homework Answers 3-5 Reteaching #s 1-13 all

 Homework Answers 3-5 Practice Form K #s 1-23 all

 Objectives: To write sets and identify subsets To find the complement of a set 3 – 5 Working With Sets Continued

 Warm-Up

  The largest set you are using. Universal Set: Complement of a Set:  The set of all elements in the universal set that are not in the set. *The complement of A is A’

 a) Universal Set U = {months of the year} and set A = {months with exactly 31 days}. What is the complement of set A? Write your answers in roster form. Problem # 4 Finding the Complement of a Set

 b) Given that the universal set U = {car, truck, van, school bus, bicycle} and the set A is the set of all vehicles that have 4 wheels, what is the complement of set A? Problem # 4 Finding the Complement of a Set

 c) Universal Set U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and set A = {2, 3}. What is A’? Problem # 4 Finding the Complement of a Set

 Universal Set U = {…-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …} and set A = {…-3, -1, 1, 3, …}. What is A’? Problem # 4 Got It?

  3–5 Practice Form G #s all Classwork Assignment

  3–5 Practice Form G #s all Homework Assignment

 Homework Answers 3-5 Practice Form G #s all 24) 30) 25) 31) 26) 27) 28) 32) 29)

 Objectives: To write sets and identify subsets To find the complement of a set 3 – 6

 Warm-Up

  Used to describe an interval on the number line, using three special symbols:  Parenthesis:  Brackets:  Infinity: Interval Notation:

 a)What is the graph of [-4, 6)? How do you write [-4, 6) as an inequality? b)What is the graph of (-∞, 2]? How do you write (-∞, 2] as an inequality? Problem # 5 Using Interval Notation

 c)What is the graph of x ≤ -1 or x > 2? How do you write x ≤ -1 or x > 2 in interval notation? d)What is the graph of x < -2 or x ≥ 1? How do you write x < -2 or x ≥ 1 in interval notation? Problem # 5 Using Interval Notation

 a) What is the graph of (-2, 7]? How do you write (-2, 7] as an inequality? b) What is the graph of y > 7? How do you write y > 7 in interval notation? Problem # 5 Got It?

  3-6 Pp. 204 – 205 #s all Classwork Assignment

  3-6 Pp. 204 – 205 #s all Homework Assignment

 Homework Answers 3-6 Pp. 204 – 205 #s all 23) 24) 25)

 Homework Answers 26) 27) 28)

 Homework Answers 29) 30) 31) 32)

 Homework Answers 33) 34)

 Objectives: To solve and graph inequalities containing the word and To solve and graph inequalities containing the word or 3 – 6 Compound Inequalities

 Warm-Up Inequality ______________________

  3-6 Practice Form G #s all Classwork Assignment

  3-6 Practice Form G #s all Homework Assignment

 Classwork Assigment