Georgia Professional Standards Commission Embedding Ethics Instruction and Assessment in the Pre-service Curriculum 2015 GaPSC Certification and Program Officials Drive In Conference December 2, 2015
Agenda Purpose of Session Purpose of Session Georgia Context Georgia Context EPP Panel Presentation EPP Panel Presentation Needs Needs 2
Today’s Participants
Questions The most ethical person I know is…. The most ethical person I know is…. This person is ethical because…. This person is ethical because…. 4
Ethics: Georgia Context
Problems Average 125 complaints per month Average 125 complaints per month Many other violations were not being reported Many other violations were not being reported Reeling from cheating scandal in Georgia Reeling from cheating scandal in Georgia Inconsistent training provided by Education Program Providers and School Systems Inconsistent training provided by Education Program Providers and School Systems
Georgia’s Focus on Ethics Working to be proactive toward prevention Working to be proactive toward prevention Working to emphasize Ethics and Professionalism Working to emphasize Ethics and Professionalism Working toward better preparation of and professional learning for pre-service and in-service educators on Georgia’s Code of Ethics and ethical principles to guide decision making Working toward better preparation of and professional learning for pre-service and in-service educators on Georgia’s Code of Ethics and ethical principles to guide decision making Working to ensure Georgia Educators are more aware of their responsibility to police their own profession through appropriate training and reporting Working to ensure Georgia Educators are more aware of their responsibility to police their own profession through appropriate training and reporting Working to build ethical cultures in education Working to build ethical cultures in education
Why Do Teachers Fail? Teachers usually tell the investigator… Teachers usually tell the investigator… “This is the way I have always done it and it has been okay” “This is the way I have always done it and it has been okay” “The Administrators knew what I was doing and I was never informed it was not right” “The Administrators knew what I was doing and I was never informed it was not right” Leaders are responsible for setting the example, establishing limits and making corrections Leaders are responsible for setting the example, establishing limits and making corrections 8
A Leader Has a tremendous impact on how teachers behave and what they achieve Has a tremendous impact on how teachers behave and what they achieve Sets the tone for the culture of a school or school system Sets the tone for the culture of a school or school system If an Ethical Culture has been established, everything else will take care of itself If an Ethical Culture has been established, everything else will take care of itself 9
Leaders Leaders percentage-wise receive more sanctions than teachers Leaders percentage-wise receive more sanctions than teachers The most frequent violations committed by Leaders are…. The most frequent violations committed by Leaders are…. Failure to report Failure to report Failure to account for public funds and property Failure to account for public funds and property Testing Testing 10
Sanctions-November, November 2015 Legal compliance - 43 Legal compliance - 43 Conduct with Students - 64 Conduct with Students - 64 Alcohol and Drugs - 16 Alcohol and Drugs - 16 Honesty - 60 Honesty - 60 Public Funds and Property - 13 Public Funds and Property - 13 Remunerative Conduct - 3 Remunerative Conduct - 3 Confidential Information - 1 Confidential Information
Sanctions Abandonment of Contract - 4 Abandonment of Contract - 4 Required Reports - 15 Required Reports - 15 Professional Conduct - 42 Professional Conduct - 42 Testing - 22 Testing - 22 Total Total
Resources GaPSC Website GaPSC Website Click Ethics Tab and then Resources for videos, power points, ethics test, and other material available Click Ethics Tab and then Resources for videos, power points, ethics test, and other material available Textbook-”The Ethics of School Administration” 3 rd edition by Striker and others Textbook-”The Ethics of School Administration” 3 rd edition by Striker and others Google Teacher Ethical Scenarios Google Teacher Ethical Scenarios 13
Today’s Panel Susan Edwards Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Education, Augusta University Andrea Lewis Chair, Education Studies Program, Spelman College Frances Roe Director of Field Experiences and Clinical Practice, Charter School of Education and Human Sciences Berry College
Ethics: Your Story
An Opportunity
Contact Information Paul A. Shaw – Paul A. Shaw – John Grant – John Grant – Anne Marie Fenton – Anne Marie Fenton –