JCG China 2014
Fly to Shanghai: spend two days exploring the city
Yu Gardens, Shanghai
Itinerary Two days in Suzhou, including Dulwich College
Dulwich Suzhou
Yunnan Province, South West China
Hard Sleeper train carriage
Dali, Yunnan Province
Soft Sleeper train carriage
Zhaotong church and mosque
Dr Lilian Grandin
The journey home Fly home via Shanghai and Heathrow
JCG China 2014 3 rd -17 th April 2014 £2995 per student
Deposits A deposit of £195 is payable by Monday 3rd December We will be booking flights in May
Payment plan A payment plan will be set up by the school office to run from February 2013 to December You will be informed about this by letter.
Special considerations When you pay your deposit please inform Mr Fallon about any medical information or treatment which might require special consideration or provision to be made. This might include conditions like serious allergies, diabetes or asthma.
Bursaries These are available; kindly supplied by HSBC Please contact Mr Howarth for details.