Let Your Light Shine learning to care and to lead for today and tomorrow
What is learning?
Do you learn more by getting things right or getting things wrong ?
Is it better to take time over your work or complete your work?
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
When something goes really badly, what do you do?
When you would rather take the easy route, how do you motivate yourself to take on a challenge?
What do these pictures tell you about learning?
What would you most like your teachers to do to make you even better learners?
What can you do for yourself to become and even more successful learner?
Other news... Weekly attendance award Clubs School Council RRCC Independent Learners lunch Playtimes and Lunchtimes – remembering to change your shoes, put on your coat and leave the hall though the hall door! No-one in school!
What can you do for yourself to become and even more successful learner?
Almighty Father, who teaches us and helps us to learn, thank you for our friends and the times we learn and play with them; thank you for our teachers and everything we do at school. Glorious and merciful God, help us to look after each other, keep us safe and show us, in Jesus, right from wrong. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.