October 20, 2014 What are we doing today? Chapter 2 Review - Pg. 104 #5 – 75 odds Due: Tomorrow Target To review Chapter 2 (Integers, Exponents and Scientific Notation) Question of the Day Solve: -x – 5 = -3 -y + 6 = g = 15 -k/3 = -6
October 21, 2014 What are we doing today? Chapter Review Test -Pg #1-44 all Due: Thursday Target To review Chapter 2 (Integers, Exponents and Scientific Notation) Question of the Day Write each number in standard notation x x Write each number in scientific notation ,034,000
October 22, 2014 What are we doing today? Chapter 2 Review -Finish 10/20 and 10/21 Assignments -Complete and missing assignments Due: Tomorrow Target To review Chapter 2 (Integers, Exponents and Scientific Notation) Question of the Day Evaluate: * 6 2 -(2.1) 7 / (2.1) 4
October 23, 2014 What are we doing today? Chapter 2 Test Due: End of the Period Target To test our skills in Chapter 2 Question of the Day No question today!
October 24, 2014 What are we doing today? Are You Ready? – Chapter – Rational Numbers -Lecture and Voacbulary -HW – Pg. 115 #1-24 all Due: Monday Target To recognize and use rational numbers Question of the Day Divide: -36 / / / / / 16