Formation de l’imparfait To find the stem, go to the nous form of the verb. For example nous avons, nous jouons, nous regardons, nous vendons, nous prenons, nous voulons, etc… Take off the ONS, and now you have your stem for the imperfect. Av, jou, regard, vend, pren, voul, Then, add the following endings : aisions aisiez aitaient
` The only irregular stem in the imperfect is for être (there is no ons on the nous form, sommes, for être). The stem for etre in the imperfect is ét. The endings for être are the same as for other verbs.
L’imparfait Allows you to talk about : what was going on…was or were plus the ing form of the verb in English. (progressive actions) the way things used to be, the way things were. (How things were habitually.) It is used to describe the conditions and circumstances which form the background for another past action. Il faisait mauvais quand je suis tombé dans la rue. A) time and weather B)outward appearance, physical, mental or emotional state C)external circumstances D)other actions in progress
Je jouais au baseball quand j’avais douze ans. Il regardait la télé hier soir quand son ami a téléphoné. Nous voulions parler à nos amis.