L2toTS Status and Phase-1 Plan and Pulsar S-LINK Data Format Cheng-Ju Lin Fermilab L2 Trigger Upgrade Meeting 03/12/2004
L2toTS Pulsar Board Receive L2 trigger decision from PC Send L2 trigger decision to trigger supervisor TS TS broadcast L2A/L2R to all front-end crates b0xft00 b0cot00 b0fcal05 Phase-I implementation is straightforward: - only need to deal with one PC, - firmware is simple. Phase-II implementation: - need to handle 4 PC, - L2toTS may also need to keep track of L2 scalers, - Some trigger prescale could be done in L2toTS board.
L2toTS Testing Status We have setup a mini-DAQ system in the test-stand room to send random L1/L2 triggers (“sparky II”) to all 8 test-stand crates. PMT L1A L2A preFRED Trigger Bits FRED TS L1A/R TS broadcast L1 and L2 decision to test-stand crates tstmuon1 tstsvt1 tstl2trg1 Trigger Bits L2toTS L2A/R Accomplished 3 goals with this setup: - tested FRED Pulsar link - tested Pulsar TS hand-shaking (millions of hand-shakings without problem) - “Sparky” setup can be used to drive the test-stand crates at high rate with random L1 and L2 triggers.
Mini-DAQ (supports 8 test-stand crates) RXPT TXPTTS Pulsar (GL2) FRED (GL1) preFRED Greg F., Andrew M., Michael S. and Bill B. did a tremendous job getting the different boards to live happily under one roof.
Summer Commissioning With the Sparky setup in the test-stand room, we can do most of the commissioning work in the test-stand. Pulsar TS link is well tested in the test-stand room. Will need to verify that it can still talk to the trigger supervisor in the trigger room (some differences in the signal lines between trigger room and test-stand room TS setup). The input path (PC Pulsar) have already been tested by Kristian et al. So far we’ve tested the input and output stages separately. The remaining task is to write and test the firmware for passing the L2 trigger decision from the input stage to the output stage. We’ll try to design the internal stage firmware to be compatible with 4 CPU Phase-2 configuration.
SLINK Transmitter (sending L2A/R) Testing L2toTS Firmware (internal stage) SLINK Receiver TS “L2 CPU” L2toTS Milestones to meet: - Have “internal stage” firmware ready in early April (time scale is determined by Sakari’s availability). - Use the existing Merger firmware to transmit L2A/R to the L2toTS board. - Test and debug the firmware in the test-stand by the end of April. - Start testing the full PC Pulsar TS chain in May. - Move to the trigger room in early June. - Monitoring and diagnostic code (eg. TrigMon) will need to be ready before the full scale integration with the rest of the Pulsar boards.
Pulsar SLINK Data Format for Phase I
PC SLINK Pulsar pre-processors L1 muon L1 XTRP L1 trigger TS muon cluster merger L2toTS L2 CAL (CLIST/Iso) PreFred ShowMax (RECES) electron merger SVT Upstream input SLINK ALL DATA TRANSMISSION IN PULSAR SYSTEM ARE IN CERN SLINK FORMAT
S-Link Global Data Format (from Pulsar to Level-2 CPU) The S-Link data blocks are self-describing, The data block from each path is enclosed by a header and a trailer word, The bit structure for the header/trailer words is universal: - Format version #, - Data source (0=global, 1=muon, 2=SVT, 3=Cluster, etc…), - Region ID bits is reserved for each data path (eg. RECESS path can use Region ID to identify which Pulsar board the data comes from), - L2 buffer # and bunch counter are in the header. The trailer word contains the error flag bits and the data size (# of SLINK words) Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Bunch Counter 32 bits bits 0-1 SLINK Header SLINK Trailer SLINK data goes here (32bit-wide word) Reserved
CLUSTER (ISO+CLIST+SUMET) The cluster board process “ISOLIST”, “CLIST”, and SUMET data. Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits Isolist Data ReservedBunch Counter SUM Et Bits from preFRED L1 TOF Bits from preFRED (optional) CLIST Data CLIST Header CLIST Trailer ISOLIST Header ISOLIST Trailer
Isolation S-Link Data Format Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Bunch Counter Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits Spare[15] Buffer# Data bit Pass# Spare[24..31] #Sum Spare[21..22] Overflow Et Sum 1 [0..15]Et Sum 2 [16..31] Et Sum 3 [0..15]Et Sum 4 [16..31] Et Sum 5 [0..15]Either spare or Et Sum 6 [16..31] Minimum of 4 32-bit words are needed for each isolation cluster. Header Trailer Isolation Cluster#1 Pass # [0..1] same as CAL Cluster data. Isolation trigger only uses pass 0 and 1, [2..6] and [10..14] are defined for the seed tower, Data bit [7] 1=diagnostic, 0=real data, Buffer# [8..9] Level 2 buffer #, Overflow[16..20] overflow bits for the 5 Et sums (bit 16 is for Et Sum 1), #Sum [23] 0= 5 Et Sums, 1= more than 5 Et sums. Reserved
Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Bunccounter Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits Reserved EM Energy Sum [0..11] Spare [12..14] EM Over- flow [15] Had Energy Sum [16..17] Spare [28..30] Had Over- flow [31] Number of towers in cluster [0..9] Cluster [10..14] Cluster [15..19] L2 Buffer # [20..21] Spare [24..30] Valid Bit [31] Pass # [22..23] Two SLINK words/CLIST cluster Cluster S-Link Data Format - Two SLINK words per CLIST cluster - Cluster and are defined for the seed tower, - Pass # corresponds to the different seed and shoulder thresholds, - valid bit is set to zero if some hardware condition is found that could cause the crates to report wrong cluster data (eg. Multiple crates reporting the presence of a seed at the same time).
L1/XTRP/MUON SLINK Package Keep muon+XTRP data structure the same as RunIIa Append L1 trigger bits (64 bits) at the beginning of the package Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits Trigger Bits Part I [0..11] Spare [23..31] Pulsar FPGA # [20] TCMD Word # [12..16] Pulsar Ch# [17..18] Pulsar Mezz Card # [19] Two 32-bit word per non-zero muon wedge EP [21] EE [22] Trigger Bits Part II [0..11] Spare [23..31] Pulsar FPGA # [20] TCMD Word # [12..16] Pulsar Ch# [17..18] Pulsar Mezz Card # [19] EP [21] EE [22] ReservedBunch Counter Level 1 Trigger Decision bits 0-31 Level 1 Trigger Decision bits Track [0..11] Spare [29..31] Reserved for Stereo data [23..28] pT bin [12..18] Isolation bit [19] Short bit [20] EP [21] EE [22] One32-bit word per XFT track
SVT Path The SVT data format is identical to the current TL2D format. For each SVT track, we need to send two 32-bit words: Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Bunch Counter Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits Track [0..12] Spare [29..31] Sign of impact Parameter [28] Zin [13..15] Zout [16..18] Absolute value of impact parameter [19..27] Two 32-bit word per SVT track Absolute value of pT Bin [0..7] Spare [30..31] Track-fitter error Summary [29] Sign of pT Bin [8] 2 of fit [9..19] XFT Linker ID [20..28] Reserved
RECESS SLINK Format RECESS SLINK fromat is different from the earlier incarnation since we are not zero-suppressing RECESS data for Phase I We will use the same format as TL2D Buff# Format version Region ID Data source Error flags (16 bits)Data size (16 bits) 32 bits ReservedBunch Counter Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=0 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=0 (low eta) Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=1 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=1 (low eta) Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=23 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge West phi=23 (low eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=0 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=0 (low eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=1 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=1 (low eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=23 (high eta) Trigger Bits for wedge East phi=23 (low eta)