Today the internet offers the opportunity to access to any information, to correspond with someone who has an account, or call directly (Skype) to discuss a topic in a forum, to share experiences or information on a personal website, on a blog or a page from a sharing site. It is a tool with multiple uses: professional, leisure, research, communication, etc.
A domain name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control in the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS). The Domain is an identification system that locates the organization owner of that domain, such as "wikipedia.org". On an address, it is often written at the end.
URL (Uniform resource locator) is informally called a web address. URL are used to identify pages and websites. URL enable Web browsers to find all the sites and web pages. when you look for a site or a specific page of a site, you can type the URL in the address bar search and access to the information that you want.
The web browser is a software application whose main function is to allow the user to consult all available information on the web. A user uses the web browser in 3 different ways: When typing an address in the address bar, the browser makes the research. When he has a site inscribed in the list of favorite sites, the browser makes the research. When following an hyperlink, the browser makes the research.
A webpage or web page is a document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web (www) and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a computer screen. A web page contains: text, images, audio and attached documents.
A website is a collection of related webpages, images, videos or other digital assets that are adressed relative to a common Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A website can handle any subject, it may hace commercial, informative or entertainment value.
Many websites ask the user registration, this to access much additional and detailed information.
The registration in a website is not difficult, you have to type your name, surname, e- mail account a nickname and a personal password to receive a personal account. REGISTRATION ON WEBSITE?