Technology Selection The Yellow Team
2/26/20162 Educational Goals / Enhance Math and Science Dept. / Math / Science
The Budget
MiniVUE Digital Camera / Digital Camera Microscope Digital Camera Microscope / Cost $ / Purchase 2 (2 labs) / Digital Camera Microscope Digital Camera Microscope / Cost $ / Purchase 2 (2 labs)
Electrode pH Reader / Digital pH. temp reader w/ software Digital pH. temp reader w/ software / Cost $ (each)- total - $1,386 / Purchase 6 / 6 cables ($222.00) / Digital pH. temp reader w/ software Digital pH. temp reader w/ software / Cost $ (each)- total - $1,386 / Purchase 6 / 6 cables ($222.00)
Smart Board / K−12 educators have made the SMART Board interactive whiteboard the most widely purchased and widely standardized interactive whiteboard in the world because it offers the best quality, ease of use and value for both the short and long term.
Smartboard Costs / $3,200 for 4 SmartBoards to be placed in Math and Science classrooms / $200 for Professional Day Stipend / $3,200 for 4 SmartBoards to be placed in Math and Science classrooms / $200 for Professional Day Stipend
Technology For SmartBoard / Many applications are available for all subjects taught. / Access to free software upgrades from Smart is included with purchasepurchase / /82A842C5-55CD-4CA B30A5C4E2/0/TCOWhitepaper.pdf /82A842C5-55CD-4CA B30A5C4E2/0/TCOWhitepaper.pdf / Many applications are available for all subjects taught. / Access to free software upgrades from Smart is included with purchasepurchase / /82A842C5-55CD-4CA B30A5C4E2/0/TCOWhitepaper.pdf /82A842C5-55CD-4CA B30A5C4E2/0/TCOWhitepaper.pdf
/ For grades 9-12 / Covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra I-II, Geometry, and Calculus / Activities allow for maximum retention / Quizzes and tests available. / Two Licenses per unit / For grades 9-12 / Covers Pre-Algebra, Algebra I-II, Geometry, and Calculus / Activities allow for maximum retention / Quizzes and tests available. / Two Licenses per unit Math Advantage (2010)
Science Excelerator (2010) / For grades 9-12 / Covers biology, zoology, ecology, chemistry, and physics / Takes away the tedious lecturing of science and makes it fun for the learner. / For grades 9-12 / Covers biology, zoology, ecology, chemistry, and physics / Takes away the tedious lecturing of science and makes it fun for the learner.
Digital Frog Software / /
Real-Life Math Series / Algebra / Decimals & Percents / Fractions, Ratios & Rates / Geometry / Probability / Data Analysis/Statistics / Tables, Charts & Graphs / Algebra / Decimals & Percents / Fractions, Ratios & Rates / Geometry / Probability / Data Analysis/Statistics / Tables, Charts & Graphs
Class Calculators - TI-83 Plus / Cost $64.95 (ea., used, like new) / Purchase: 32 for a class set(batteries included) / sdpg.php sdpg.php / Cost $64.95 (ea., used, like new) / Purchase: 32 for a class set(batteries included) / sdpg.php sdpg.php