3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report Workshop 2 Customer Relation Management Segmentation Customer Data Base
Participants of the workshop Susanne Hellman- Ketola SF Mikael Pedersen DSt Anne Nuka StatEst Daina Gulbe StatLat Audronë Miskiniene StatLit Camilla Torp SSB Martin Lagerström SCB Agneta Sträng- Abrahamsson SCB Christina Thörne SCB Petteri Baer SF Minna Purja SF [Heli Haapkylä SF]
Main Topics Discussed Customer segmentation Identification of customer groups and segmentation criteria The working group participants agreed that segmentation according to user needs is the most important segmentation criteria. Other criteria in use in the different CSOs were e.g. reputation, respondents, reference value, product development and duration of customer relationship
Main Topics Discussed Customer Data Base All CSOs have some kind of customer data base, but most are not satisfied with data bases current state of contents and usability Most of the CSOs have development project on-going or about to start Obstacles mentioned were lack of top management support, lack of a common way of thinking about CRM within the organisation, uniform practices in usage and accumulating data in the data base
Other Topics Discussed Short presentations had been written about Customer Segmentation (Latvia/Daina Gulbe, Estonia/Anne Nuka and Lithuania/Audrone Miskiniene), Customer Data Base (Finland/Minna Purja), Customised Service Concepts (Heli Haapkylä) and Measuring Results in CRM (Finland), all available on the web site of the Conference