Definition A mosaic is a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile or glass.
adhesive A fixative or glue.
adamento Flow, movement or direction of tiles. swirly smooth wavy scattered choppy graceful chunky strong
buttering/back buttering Applying adhesive to the backs of individual tesserae.
cartoon Full size drawing of mosaic.
curing The time it takes for grout to set.
glass mosaic cutters Tool used for cutting tesserae.
grout A filler placed between tesserae.
grouting Working grout into the spaces between tesserae.
groutline The gaps filled with grout between tesserae.
interstices The spaces between tesserae.
mesh Fibreglass/plastic material.
nibbling Careful and detailed cutting.
opus A work or composition.
substrate A material which tesserae are adhered to.
tesserae Small, usually square, pieces of glass or other material used to make a mosaic.