Tense review Passive Voice. Его телеграмма пришла, когда я выходил из дома. His telegram came when I was leaving the house. Вчера я купил часы, так как.


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Presentation transcript:

Tense review Passive Voice

Его телеграмма пришла, когда я выходил из дома. His telegram came when I was leaving the house. Вчера я купил часы, так как потерял свои старые. Yesterday I bought a watch as I had lost my old one. Бывало, он выкуривал по 20 сигарет за день, но сейчас он не курит вообще. He used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day but now he doesn’t smoke at all. Она еще не вернулась? У нее вечером важная встреча. Hasn’t she come back? She is having an important meeting tonight. Я еще буду работать, когда он придет в офис. I’ll be still working when he comes to the office. Если он не придет, позвони ему сам. If he doesn’t come, call him yourself.

Мы все сделали к 6 вечера. We had done everything by 6 in the evening. Когда она перезвонит, они уже приедут. When she calls back, they will have already come. Ты уезжаешь вечерним поездом? Да, он уходит в Are you leaving by the evening train? Yes, it leaves at 7.40 Я не вижу человека с которым разговаривает мой муж I can’t (don’t) see the man who my husband is talking to. Они работали уже около часа, когда мы наконец добрались до oфиса. They had been working for about an hour when we got to the ofifce at last.

Давно меня ждете? Have you been waiting for me for a long time? Чем он занимается? Я не знаю точно, в прошлом году он работал дизайнером. What does he do? I don’t know exactly, last year he worked as a designer. Завтра весь вечер они будут праздновать ее день рождения в кафе Tomorrow evening they will be celebrating her birthday in the cafe. В следующую среду будет уже 3 недели как я живу здесь I will have been staying here for 3 week by next Wednesday

Passive Voice To be + V 3 (V ed ) Present S. am, is.are Past S. was, were Future S. will be Present Cont. am (is, are) being Past Cont. was (were) being Present Perf. have (has) been Past Perf. had (been)

I water all my flowers every week. All my flowers are watered every week by me. “By” в случае, если важно или известно кто ответственный за действие.

Columbus discovered America in America was discovered by Columbus in A maid will clean our hotel room. Our hotel room will be cleaned by a maid. The plumber is fixing the leaky faucet. The leaky faucet is being fixed by the plumber. This news has amazed me. I have been amazed by this news.

Change the sentences to the passive if possible 1. We stayed in a hotel. 2. Susie broke the window. 3. Have you bought everything ? 4. The leaves are falling to the ground. 5. She will leave the message for you. 6. I slept at my friend’s house last night. 7. Does the teacher announces a test? 8. He loves me. 9. I don’t agree with you. 10. They are washing the cat in the bathroom now.