SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SITUATION IN TURKEY ‘‘Natianol Agenda” -JUNE RESEARCH TEAM Prof. Dr. Özer SENCAR & Dr. Sıtkı YILDIZ MetroPOLL Strategic ve Social Research Centre Cinnah Street 67/ 18 Çankaya- ANKARA Phone: Fax:
GOALS The aim of this survey is to evaluate the public opinion on the recent domestic and international political developments which occupy the country’s political agenda in the last month. The survey also aims to rate the satisfaction of public and their expectations on their lives..
METHOD The poll was conducted from June 12 to 20, 2009 by telephone among a random national sampling of 1282 adults residing in cities, towns and villages. The margin of error for the overall poll is 2,75 percentage points, at a 95 percent confidence level.
SAMPLE Number% % 1Adana403,117Kastamonu241,9 2 AğrıAğrı 262,018Kayseri403,1 3Ankara806,219Kocaeli544,2 4Antalya463,620Konya372,9 5 Bal ı kesir 312,421Malatya262,0 6Bursa473,722Manisa534,1 7Denizli262,023Mardin322,5 8 Diyarbak ı r 493,824 Mu ğ la 241,9 9Edirne272,125 Ni ğ de 322,5 10Erzurum171,326Ordu211,6 11 Eski ş ehir 161,227Samsun473,7 12Gaziantep342,728Trabzon231,8 13Hatay463,629Van282,2 14Mersin282,230Zonguldak191,5 15 İ stanbul 21917,131Osmaniye201,6 16 İ zmir 705,5 TOTAL
SAMPLE Number% City- Village (%) City Centre 74057,7 83,7 Town33326,0 Willage20916,3 TOTAL Distribution of participants by area of residence
ELECTION RESULTS Official results of Provincial Council Elections on March 29, 2009
Which political party did you vote for in the latest provincial council elections? ELECTION RESULTS
If parliamentary elections were held today, which party would you vote for? VOTE POTENTIALS
If parliamentary elections were held today, which party would you vote for? (May June 2009 Comparison %) May 2009June 2009 AK Party 37,039,6 CHP 19,118,6 MHP 13,712,9 DTP 5,05,1 SP 3,84,4 DP 2,22,4 Other 2,13,2 Undecided 7,44,2 I will just invalid vote 2,43,1 I will not go to ballot box 0,82,4 No answer/No idea 6,54,1 VOTE POTENTIALS
Taking into consideration all the conditions that you have been living through, to what extent are you satisfied with your life? HAPPINESS IN LIFE
May2008June2008August2008September2008October2008Novem.2008January2009May2009June2009 %%% %% Very satisfied 7,811,77,39,29,0 7,29,812,6 Satisfied36,839,241,148,854,947,434,643,939,7 Subtotal Subtotal44,650,948,458,063,956,441,853,752,3 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 14,822,019,417,76,19,917,511,518,4 Not satisfied 40,025,932,224,329,933,540,234,628,6 No idea 0,61,2--0,10,20,50,20,6 Taking into consideration all the conditions that you have been living through, to what extent are you satisfied with your life? (Between May 2008 and June ) HAPPINESS IN LIFE
Overall, towards which direction do you think Turkey is heading ? For the b etter or w orse? HAPPINESS IN LIFE
May2008(%)June2008(%)August2008(%) Septem. 2008(%) October 2008(%) Novem. 2008(%) January 2009(%) May 2009(%) June 2009 (%) For Better 31,828,637,249,124,925,927,533,132,6 For Worse 62,266,058,245,270,265,164,759,960,5 No idea 6,05,34,65,74,99,17,86,9 Overall, towards which direction do you think Turkey is heading? For the better or worse? (Between May 2008 and June 2009) HAPPINESS IN LIFE
Compared to the previous year, which of the following describes best your thoughts of your current life? 1 year ago - 1 year later
How do you expect your life to be like next year? 1 year ago - 1 year later
Is the American President convincing? Do you find US President Barack Obama’s remarks regarding world peace credible?
How do you think the relations between the United States and the Muslim world will be during Obama’s presidency? Relations between the US and the Muslim world
Do you think Hüsamettin Cindoruk, the new leader of Democrat Party, will be successful in his post and he will contribute to a rise in his party’s share of votes? The Democrat Party's new leader
Do you think the Democrat Party and Anap should merge? DP - ANAP merger
Do you think the newly established Turkey Party, founded by Abdüllatif Şener, will be successful? Abdüllatif Şener’s new party
What do you think about the government's move and remarks of the prime minister on plans to clear the Turkish-Syrian border of landmines? Mined area – AK Party
What do you think about the remarks and political actions of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader Deniz Baykal on plans to clear the Turkish-Syrian border of landmines? Mined area – CHP
What do you think about the remarks and political actions of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli on plans to clear the Turkish-Syrian border of landmines? Mined area – MHP
Which abbrevation do you prefer to use for the Justice and Development Party: the AK Party or the AKP? AK Party or AKP ?
How do you view Prime Minister Erdoğan's insistence to make others call his party the AK Party instead of the AKP? Prime minister’s insistence on use of AK Party
Should President Gül be put on trial? An Ankara court ruled that President Gül be put on trial on a decade-old fraud case. Do you think Gül should appear before the judge or not?
Gül’s view on the Kurdish question What do you think about President Abdullah Gül's remarks and actions on the Kurdish issue?
What do you think about Prime Minister Erdoğan’s refusal to meet with the DTP leader Ahmet Türk? Stance of the prime minister against the DTP
DTP’s stance against the PKK Do you share the common view that the DTP should label the PKK as a terrorist organization for the solution of the Kurdish question?