Building the Parent Voice
It’s an exciting time for our kids and schools!
Local Control Funding Formula Enacted as a trailer bill to the Budget Act (Assembly Bill 97) Major restructuring of school finance formula Makes fundamental changes to how Prop 98 funds are allocated
Local Control Funding Formula
How should funds be spent? Base Grants Base funding is intended to support the district’s general educational services and operations Use of Supplemental & Concentration Grants Districts must use their supplemental and concentration funds to increase or improve services for its high-need students Spending on High-Need Students Districts are required to spend no less on high- needs students than they have in the past And should add to this spending with new LCFF funds
Local Control and Accountability Plan The Basics
Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) A critical part of the new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Includes overall vision for students, annual goals and specific actions districts will take to achieve the vision and goals. Addresses the needs of all students Links the district plan with the district budget Each school district must engage parents, students, educators, employees and the community to establish plans.
ALL Districts are required to adopt an LCAP Adopt a plan by July 1 each year which is linked to their budget Must use SBE-adopted LCAP template Must solicit input from stakeholders Adopt a new LCAP every three years and update it annually Must set goals in eight state priority areas for the district and all school sites
Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) – Three Categories for Planning Purposes GET FAMILIAR WITH THE LCAP’s 8 STATE PRIORITES FOR STUDENT SUCCESS
Purpose of the LCAP Long Term Goal Setting Tracking Progress Accountability
LCFF & LCAP are huge opportunities for us as parents to shape the vision for our children’s education and make it happen.
What can you do now? Find out what your school district is doing to engage you and all parents. Share your ideas directly with administrators and school board members Talk with other parents and connect with your local PTA Download information from your school district’s website or Learn more about the eight key areas of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and how they can help your child succeed.
Additional questions to ask: How plan shared with parents & community members Public hearing How and when will you be responding in writing When LCAP to be adopted. Publicity and community input Next steps and annual review process
Remember this is not a sprint but a marathon: LCFF is the way schools receive funds You need to help us help ensure your parents are knowledgeable and engaged.
PTA LCAP Quick Guides These resources show how progress is measured, key questions to ask and links to additional resources. Use to evaluate your district’s LCAP Available in English and Spanish