International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Time Use and the International.


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Presentation transcript:

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Time Use and the International Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics (ICATUS) Francesca Grum, Chief Social and Housing Statistics Section UNSD

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division What are Time Use Statistics? Amount of time individuals “spend” or allocate on specific activities (typically over 24 hours) They shed light on: →What individuals in the reference population do or the activities they engage in →How much time is spent doing each of these activities

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Availability of data  TUS since 1990: 185 Time use surveys were conducted worldwide →92 (50%) in “countries in developing regions” →93 (50%) in “developed countries” In total 85 distinct countries: →28 “developed countries” (80% of total conducted a TUS) →57 “developing countries” (36% of total conducted a TUS)

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Time Use Data for gender statistics

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Growing interest: Time Use Statistics and their Policy Relevance Unpaid Work –All productive activities –Satellite accounts –Volunteering Quality of Life –Leisure –Life balance –Time poverty –Well-being –Learning –ICT use Gender –Women’s contributions to economy –Work distribution –Work/Life balance Leisure –Access/Consumption –Culture –Media Use –Sports Paid Work –Hours of work –Unemployment –Underemployment Health –Exposure –Physical activity –Sleep Travel –Commuting –Patterns and modes Environment/Energy –Energy Use –Carbon footprint Populations –Children –Persons with disabilities –Low income households –Older people Care –Adult Care –Child Care –Pet Care

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Time Use Surveys Different options/costs: 24 hour diary vs stylized questions Self-reported vs. recall interview  Full diary –Reliability of data –Simultaneous activities Particularly relevant for gender analysis

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division UN Classification of Activities for Time Use Statistics: ICATUS ICATUS is an “international classification” “ICATUS is intended to be a standard classification of all activities that the general population may spend time on during the 24 hours of a day. Its main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilized in producing meaningful statistics on Time Use” (United Nations, 2005) “Umbrella classification”: consistent with other major regional classification such as HETUS or CAUTAL In 2012 revision, particular attention to leave room for national adjustments

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division ICATUS Main objective: to delineate the boundaries of economic and non-economic activities (paid and unpaid work) and productive and non- productive activities ↘Consistent with the 2008 SNA ↘Finalization in progress – impact of new ILO definition of “work” Major divisions of ICATUS 2012 (work in progress) 1.SNA work and related activities 2.Unpaid domestic services for own final use within household 3.Unpaid caregiving services to household members 4.Community services and help to other households 5.Learning 6.Socializing, community participation and religious practice 7.Leisure and sports 8.Self-care and maintenance

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division ICATUS Mandate: Statistical Commission 1995 (28 th session) Custodian: United Nations Statistics Division Development: 1997: 1 st EGM “Draft Classification” 2000: 2 nd EGM “Trial version”, issued in UN Guidelines for TUS : Support of the implementation in countries + compilation of feedback 2012: 3 rd EGM for revision and finalisation 2013: Presentation at different fora: Statistical Commission, IAEG- GS, EGM on classification, International workshops, IATUR Conference… 2014: Finalization taking into account new definition of work adopted at the 19 th ICLS-Oct 2013

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division International Classification Based on the Best Practice Guidelines (Hancock, 2013) ICATUS and the 10 principles for international classifications: –Custodians, –Conceptual Basis, –Classification Structure, –Classification Type, –Mutual Exclusivity, –Exhaustiveness, –Statistical Balance, –Statistical Feasibility, –Statistical Units –Time-Series Comparability

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division Revision of ICATUS Primary objective of ICATUS: time spent on on unpaid work for household satellite accounts In line with other international standards especially SNA, new definition of work Remain consistent with previous versions of ICATUS – around 25 countries adopted/adapted trial ICATUS

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division In Conclusion Increasing demand for time use statistics from different stakeholders: measuring unpaid work, life-work balance, supplement labour statistics, well-being  Promote the multi-purpose scope! Country capacity to measure and value unpaid work  Training and study tours UN Guidelines on measuring Paid and Unpaid Work  Available online ICATUS to be finalized  UN Stat Commission

International Seminar on Gender Statistics, 12 – 14 November 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea United Nations Statistics Division UNSD website on Time Use: ns/tuse/default.aspx ns/tuse/default.aspx