Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen An Introduction to Austen, the novel, and the time period in which the novel takes place.
“Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor – which is one very strong argument in favour of matrimony.” – Jane Austen, 1816
Jane Austen Jane Austen was born December 16th, 1775 at Steventon, Hampshire, England to Rev. George Austen, (the local rector, or Church of England clergyman), and his wife Cassandra Jane was the seventh of eight children and the second of two daughters. Her father only made about 600 pounds per year. As a result, he was much like Mr. Bennett in that he could not give his daughters much to marry on.
Austen’s Education 1783: Jane and her older sister were taught by Mrs. Crawley, who was a sister of one of their uncles. 1785-1786: Jane and Cassandra attended Abbey Boarding School Jane was almost too young to benefit from this. Learned piano, how to draw, etc. from family Read novels all the time Her father had over 500 in 1801.
Early Adulthood Austen enjoyed attending social events (dances and parties) and visiting London, Bath, Southampton, etc. where she attended plays. 1801: family moves to Bath
Austen’s Love Life 1795-1796: brief fling with Thomas Lefroy He couldn’t afford to marry her. Possible serious relationship with a nameless man in Devonshire. All we have are Cassandra’s accounts of their relationship. This suitor died unexpectedly. 1802: Harris Bigg-Wither proposed He was 6 years younger. She said yes but then backed out the next day Jane never loved Mr. Wither
Austen’s Adulthood 1805: her father died and income was reduced Moved around to many cities including, Winchester, Southampton, etc. for a few years. 1810 (Hampshire)- began writing again 1816- became ill July 18th 1817: death at age 41 Buried at Winchester Cathedral Women not allowed to attend funerals at this time
Austen’s Literary Works 1787-1793: Juvenilla 1795-1799: began Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Northanger Abbey Working titles: Elinor and Marianne, First Impressions, and Susan. 1803: began The Watsons (never finished) 1812: began Mansfield Park 1814 began Emma 1815- began Persuasion 1817- began Sanditon (never finished)
Society: Reputation Reputation is everything, especially to women. Elizabeth walks to Bingley’s Mrs. Bennett’s ridiculous behavior Lydia’s relationship with Wickham Darcy’s intervention Without it, would Elizabeth and Darcy still get married?
Class Lower class? Life for the middle and upper class was strictly regulated Bennett’s associated with Bingley’s Mr. Collins actions around Lady Catherine Darcy and Elizabeth/ Jane and Bingley marriages Can love and happiness overcome class?
Industrial Revolution Beginning in 1780, the Industrial Revolution had sparked industrial growth and, therefore, social change. The result was a new social class. As entrepreneurs began to make money from the mechanized manufacture of commercial goods, a class, rich but untitled, rose. While titles, land, and old money still commanded respect, new money allowed this newly powerful class to move upward in the sharply delineated class structure. In P&P, the Bingley fortune has been made from industry, a fact that Miss Bingley would like to forget.
Young Ladies A girl’s first season marked a dramatic turning point in her life. Until she was 17 or 18 she was not considered socially alive. At dinners when guests were present she did not speak unless spoken to and then it was only to answer questions yes or no. When a girl “came out,” it meant she was formally presented and was ready to embark on an extraordinary round of balls and dances and other festive affairs. When Lady Dorothy Neville came out in 1849, she attended “50 balls, 60 parties, 30 dinners, and 25 breakfasts.” All this was with a serious goal in mind. If the girl did not get married within two to three seasons she was considered a failure. At thirty, a hopeless, permanent spinster.
Rules for Ladies a gentleman was always introduced to a lady, never the other way around. an unmarried, under-thirty lady must never be in the company of a man without a chaperone. Except for a walk to church or to a park in the early morning, she may not walk alone but should always be accompanied by another lady, a man, or a servant. a lady never dances more than three dances with the same partner. a lady should never fail to acknowledge someone after encountering them socially unless it is absolutely necessary.
Rules for Gentlemen If you meet a lady who is a good friend and who signifies that she wishes to talk to you, you turn and walk with her if you wish to converse. You do not make a lady stand talking in a street. A social inferior is always introduced to a superior and only if the latter allows the introduction.
Education No organized education; local charity or church-run schools were popular. “Genteel” social levels, like those in Pride and Prejudice, did not attend these schools. They would be taught by parents, a tutor, or be sent away to live with a tutor when young. Some grammar schools existed but were only for males.
Education cont. The prime symbol of academic knowledge, and masculine educational attainments, was the Classical languages Greek and Latin, to which a great deal of time was devoted in "genteel" boys' education, but which few women studied.
Women’s Education As for domestic training,a relatively large amount of girls' and women's time was spent on sewing or needlework For women of the "genteel" classes the goal of non-domestic education was thus often the acquisition of "accomplishments", such as the ability to draw, sing, play music, or speak modern languages (generally French and Italian). Generally just done to attract men.
Gender Differences: Men man’s primary role is to be the provider: work, propose an engagement for a wife, earn the family’s only income, make final decisions, physically and fiscally support and protect the family, and provide a home, food, and clothing.
Gender Differences: Women During this time period, it was unacceptable for women, or a woman, to travel alone. Women were to: tend to the children, cook the meals, do the shopping and sewing, and uphold the daily routines for the family, primarily tending to the husband’s needs.
Pride and Prejudice P&P takes place in England in the early 1800s, during a time known as the Regency period (this refers to George IV, the ruler during this time – he was a regent, or substitute monarch). During this time, the American colonies revolted and gained independence, the French Revolution raged, and England faced problems with Ireland. Austen was aware of these events and they are mentioned in her novels, but they never play a major role. Austen’s depictions were especially realistic because she limited herself to the society she knew best and to a woman’s view of the world. P&P is Austen’s finest work; an early draft was titled First Impressions.