Jane Austen
Biography 1775, Steventon (Hampshire) Close relationship with her sister Broader education 23 years old: Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility Pride and Prejudice Marriage and women
Her father died – : Mansfield Park 1816: Emma Illness Her last novel: Persuasion 18 July 1817 at age 41 Buried in Winchester Cathedral Sharp insight and deep emotional intelligence
Faces Cassandra’s Sketches
The silhouettes
The Rice Portrait The Clarke watercolor
The Victorian drawings
Modern Adaptations
Sense and Sensibility
Plot 1811 Elinor, Marianne and Margaret Dashwood Move to Baton Cottage Elinor: tempered and rational Marianne: youthful passion Elinor loves Edward
Edward is engaged to Lucy Steele Marianne loves Willoughby: heartbreaker Colonel Brandon loves Marianne Marianne gets ill Edward gets free to marry Elinor Marianne marries the Colonel
Pride and Prejudice
Plot 1813 Bennet sisters: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kittie and Lydia Mr. Bingley – Jane Mr. Darcy offends Elizabeth Heir: Mr. Collins He marries Elizabeth’s best friend: Charlotte
Mr Wickham, badly treated by Darcy Darcy loves Liz, but she rejects him Lydia elopes with Wickham Darcy helps the family and tells Elizabeth the truth Bingley asks Jane to marry him Darcy marries Liz
Plot 1815 Wealthy pretty young woman He chooses partners for her friends She wants a marriage between Harriet and Mr. Elton Harriet is interested in Emma’s closest friend, George
He has been her moral adviser and he loves her Emma finds her destiny in marriage with him Harriet marries a farmer she loves Great portrait of the rural England Differences between Emma and other heroins