1 HBD Commissioning Itzhak Tserruya DC meeting, BNL December 13, 2006 Progress from October 3 to November 28, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 HBD Commissioning Itzhak Tserruya DC meeting, BNL December 13, 2006 Progress from October 3 to November 28, 2006

2 Pre-beam commissioning (I) Present status: the two detectors installed all cables (signal, HV and LV) tested, installed and connected CF 4 gas recirculation system operational but still on commissioning phase UV lamp for CsI QE monitoring installed and operational, procedure being optimized Heating and cooling systems almost ready (waiting for blowers)  CF 4 gas monitoring system – expected to be installed this week Done or almost done  in progress  to be done

3 HBD West (front side) Installed 9/4/06 HBD East (back side) Installed 10/19/06 Both detectors installed

4 Water inside HBD Room temperature ≈ 20 deg. Flow: Ar 3l/min

5 Relative CsI QE monitoring October 17, 18: East measured at SUNY with Ar December 4: East and West measured at BNL with Ar December 8: East and West measured at BNL with CF 4 Finding: - = SUNY - East very similar to West - Values in CF 4 ≈ 2 x Values in Ar  Very encouraging. A new set of measurements under better and more reproducible conditions is planned to serve for long term reference

6 Pre-beam commissioning (II) HV system: All six HV PS units tested 500 V on each module  operational voltage on each module: The LeCroy HV PS does not offer enough protection. We are developing and testing a safe procedure to go to operating voltage. Done or almost done  in progress  to be done Powering scheme: 2 HV PS one for the mesh and one for the triple GEM stack through a 3 branch resistive chain. (across the GEMs there is only one resistor R2 and not two as in this diagram).

7 Pre-beam commissioning (III) Detector readout: Readout electronics delivered, operational and ready to take data in stand-alone mode. noise optimization  dead channel count  pedestal runs done routinely  timing and data taking with pulser done routinely  ADC charge calibration for all detector modules  first order zero suppression -- Chi Done or almost done  in progress  to be done

8 Examples of raw data S(8+9+10)/3 – S(0) 12x16 ns sample TDC signal

9 Mean - West Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge

10 Mean - East Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge

11 Sigma - West Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge

12 Sigma - East Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge

13 Summary  Noise level is excellent:  ~ 2 ADC counts  3  ~ 6 ADC counts  0.6 fC  0.37 e at a gain of 10 4  Channels without signal: 28 in total  solved  Channels with double peaks: 18 in total  Channels with low signal: 4 in total Remaining problems in less than 1% of all channels! (Origin under study. Suspicion that double peaks are due to saturated pulses.)

14 Pre-beam commissioning (IV) Monte Carlo simulations basic geometry and materials in reconstruction up to the pad response 3d field map in +- configuration  look up table  cluster reconstruction and cluster splitting  tracking central arm to HBD Done or almost done  in progress  to be done

15 HBD in PISA Hits per sector Z-Y Hits X-Y hits

16 Number of detected Cherenkov photons per electron

17 Event Display - Clusters

18 Pre-beam commissioning (V) HBD online monitoring: Event display: pad response Event display: cluster response  Pulse height distribution of a detector module  Pad frequency vs. pad number  Cluster size distribution  Cluster pulse height distribution HBD trigger  First discussions started Very good progress over the last two months (in spite of QM) and we still have about 6 weeks to complete this program before we see collisions. I think this is doable.