1 HBD Commissioning Itzhak Tserruya DC meeting, BNL December 13, 2006 Progress from October 3 to November 28, 2006
2 Pre-beam commissioning (I) Present status: the two detectors installed all cables (signal, HV and LV) tested, installed and connected CF 4 gas recirculation system operational but still on commissioning phase UV lamp for CsI QE monitoring installed and operational, procedure being optimized Heating and cooling systems almost ready (waiting for blowers) CF 4 gas monitoring system – expected to be installed this week Done or almost done in progress to be done
3 HBD West (front side) Installed 9/4/06 HBD East (back side) Installed 10/19/06 Both detectors installed
4 Water inside HBD Room temperature ≈ 20 deg. Flow: Ar 3l/min
5 Relative CsI QE monitoring October 17, 18: East measured at SUNY with Ar December 4: East and West measured at BNL with Ar December 8: East and West measured at BNL with CF 4 Finding: - = SUNY - East very similar to West - Values in CF 4 ≈ 2 x Values in Ar Very encouraging. A new set of measurements under better and more reproducible conditions is planned to serve for long term reference
6 Pre-beam commissioning (II) HV system: All six HV PS units tested 500 V on each module operational voltage on each module: The LeCroy HV PS does not offer enough protection. We are developing and testing a safe procedure to go to operating voltage. Done or almost done in progress to be done Powering scheme: 2 HV PS one for the mesh and one for the triple GEM stack through a 3 branch resistive chain. (across the GEMs there is only one resistor R2 and not two as in this diagram).
7 Pre-beam commissioning (III) Detector readout: Readout electronics delivered, operational and ready to take data in stand-alone mode. noise optimization dead channel count pedestal runs done routinely timing and data taking with pulser done routinely ADC charge calibration for all detector modules first order zero suppression -- Chi Done or almost done in progress to be done
8 Examples of raw data S(8+9+10)/3 – S(0) 12x16 ns sample TDC signal
9 Mean - West Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge
10 Mean - East Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge
11 Sigma - West Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge
12 Sigma - East Black: double peaks Blue: large pads at detector edge
13 Summary Noise level is excellent: ~ 2 ADC counts 3 ~ 6 ADC counts 0.6 fC 0.37 e at a gain of 10 4 Channels without signal: 28 in total solved Channels with double peaks: 18 in total Channels with low signal: 4 in total Remaining problems in less than 1% of all channels! (Origin under study. Suspicion that double peaks are due to saturated pulses.)
14 Pre-beam commissioning (IV) Monte Carlo simulations basic geometry and materials in reconstruction up to the pad response 3d field map in +- configuration look up table cluster reconstruction and cluster splitting tracking central arm to HBD Done or almost done in progress to be done
15 HBD in PISA Hits per sector Z-Y Hits X-Y hits
16 Number of detected Cherenkov photons per electron
17 Event Display - Clusters
18 Pre-beam commissioning (V) HBD online monitoring: Event display: pad response Event display: cluster response Pulse height distribution of a detector module Pad frequency vs. pad number Cluster size distribution Cluster pulse height distribution HBD trigger First discussions started Very good progress over the last two months (in spite of QM) and we still have about 6 weeks to complete this program before we see collisions. I think this is doable.