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Presentation transcript:


Cefndir - Background  Cymhwyster newydd ym Medi 2015 ar gyfer Blwyddyn 10 a Blwyddyn 12.  Adeiladu ar gryfderau yr hen gymhwyster oedd wedi bod ers  Cynnwys elfennau sy’n datblygu sgiliau amrywiol ar draws ystod o weithgareddau, sydd i fod i baratoi dysgwr ar gyfer y byd gwaith.  Cyd-fynd â’r cymwysterau newydd ar gyfer TGAU Cymraeg, Saesneg, Mathemateg-Rhifedd.  New qualification in September 2015 for Year 10 and Year 12.  Builds on the strengths of the old qualification, that has existed since  Contains elements which develop various skills across a range of activities, which are designed to prepare learners for the world of work.  Runs alongside new qualifications for GCSE Welsh, English and Mathematics- Numeracy.



Tystysgrif yr Her Sgiliau Skills Challenge Certificate  3 Her i’w cwblhau ym Mlwyddyn 10  Her Menter a Chyflogadwyedd  Her Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang  Her y Gymuned  1 Prosiect Unigol i’w gwblhau ym Mlwyddyn 11  Bydd cwblhau’r 4 elfen yn arwain at ennill y dystysgrif, sy’n gyfwerth ag 1 TGAU.  Graddau cyrhaeddiad: A*, A, B, C, Llwyddiant*, Llwyddiant  3 Challenges to complete in Year 10  Enterprise and Employability Challenge  Global Citizenship Challenge  Community Challenge  1 Individual Project to complete in Year 11  Completing the 4 elements will lead to earning the certificate, which is equivalent to 1 GCSE.  Attainment grades: A*, A, B, C, Pass*, Pass

Her Menter a Chyflogadwyedd Enterprise and Employability Challenge  Cyfri am 20% o’r dystysgrif  Datblygu sgiliau:  Creadigedd ac Arloesi  Effeithiolrwydd Personol  Llythrennedd Ddigidol  Asesu mewnol a Safoni allanol  Gofyn i ddysgwyr ddatblygu syniad a chynnig busnes, a chyflwyno’r syniad terfynol mewn arddangosfa weledol a chyflwyniad gerbron panel.  Gweithio mewn grwpiau  Counts towards 20% of the certificate  Develops the skills of:  Creativity and Innovation  Personal Effectiveness  Digital Literacy  Internal assessment and external Standardisation  Asks learners to develop a business idea and proposal, and display the final idea in a visual display and presentation to a panel.  Working in groups

Her Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang Global Citizenship Challenge  Cyfri 15% o’r dystysgrif  Datblygu sgiliau:  Meddwl yn Feirniadol a Datrys Problemau  Creadigedd ac Arloesi  Asesu mewnol a Safoni allanol  Gofyn i ddysgwyr ymateb i fater byd- eang drwy godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r mater i gynulleidfa benodol mewn modd creadigol ac arloesol.  Gweithio yn unigol  Counts towards 15% of the certificate  Develops the skills of:  Critical Thinking and Problem Solving  Creativity and Innovation  Internal assessment and external Standardisation  Asks learners to react to a global issue by raising awareness of the issue to a specific audience in a creative and innovative manner.  Working as individuals

Her y Gymuned Community Challenge  Cyfri 15% o’r dystysgrif  Datblygu sgiliau:  Cynllunio a Threfnu  Effeithiolrwydd Personol  Asesu mewnol a Safoni allanol  Gofyn i ddysgwyr gynllunio a threfnu gweithgaredd a threulio 10 awr yn ymgymryd â'r gweithgaredd yn uniongyrchol gyda'r gymuned leol.  Gweithio mewn grwpiau  Counts towards 15% of the certificate  Develops the skills of:  Planning and Organisation  Personal Effectiveness  Internal assessment and external Standardisation  Asks learners plan and organise an activity and spend 10 hours directly carrying out the activity with the local community.  Working in groups.

Prosiect Unigol Individual Project  Cyfri 50% o’r dystysgrif  Datblygu sgiliau:  Cynllunio a Threfnu  Meddwl yn Feirniadol a Datrys Problemau  Llythrennedd Ddigidol  Asesu mewnol a Safoni allanol  Gofyn i ddysgwyr ymchwilio i faes o ddiddordeb iddynt a llunio adroddiad.  Gweithio yn unigol  Counts towards 50% of the certificate  Develops the skills of:  Planning and Organisation  Critical Thinking and Problem Solving  Digital Literacy  Internal assessment and external Standardisation  Asks learners to investigate a topic of interest to them and write a report.  Working as individuals.

Graddio Grading  2 gymhwyster gwahanol  Y Fagloriaeth Gymreig  Tystysgrif Her Sgiliau (TGAU)  Gradd yn dibynnu ar gyrhaeddiad:  TGAU Cymraeg/Saeneg Iaith  TGAU Mathemateg-Rhifedd  3 TGAU arall (neu gyfwerth)  3 Her ac 1 Prosiect Unigol Lefel 1 / Lefel 2  Jigso cymhleth!  2 different qualifications  The Welsh Baccalaureate  Skills Challenge Certificate (GCSE)  Grade depends on attainment in:  GCSE Welsh/English Language  GCSE Mathematics-Numeracy  3 other GCSEs (or equivalent)  3 Challenges and 1 Individual Project Level 1 / Level 2  Complicated jigsaw!

Graddio Grading  Y Fagloriaeth Gymreig  Cenedlaethol A* - C yn TGAU Cymraeg/Saesneg Iaith A* - C yn TGAU Mathemateg-Rhifedd 3 TGAU A* - C arall (neu gyfwerth) O leiaf 80% ar Lefel 2  Sylfaenol  Tystysgrif Her Sgiliau  Os yn ennill y Fagloriaeth Genedlaethol: A*, A, B, C  Os yn ennill y Fagloriaeth Sylfaenol: Llwyddiant*, Llwyddiant  The Welsh Baccalaureate  National A* - C in GCSE Welsh/English Language A* - C in GCSE Mathematics-Numeracy 3 other GCSEs A* - C (or equivalent) At least 80% at Level 2  Foundation  Skills Challenge Certificate  If gaining National Baccalaureate: A*, A, B, C  If gaining Foundation Baccalaureate: Pass*, Pass

Unrhyw gwestiynau Any questions Jonathan Richards  Cydlynydd y Fagloriaeth Gymreig CA4  KS4 Welsh Baccalaureate Co-ordinator