Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome Gaining accreditation and an overview of the town’s first walking festival Sheila Talbot Chair, Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome
Why was the Walkers are Welcome network started? For economic reasons For mutual support To raise standards To promote walking
How did Winchcombe become a Walkers are Welcome town? One person’s vision Support from the Town and Borough councils Local people working together Hard work and determination!
Winchcombe Cotswolds Walking Festival 21 – 23 May 3 days – 17 walks, 2 evening events An army of volunteers Successful fund-raising Nationwide publicity Annual event!
Is it working? No hard evidence Anecdotal evidence Publicity and festival successes How other WAW towns are doing
What is our long term aim? ‘The Walking Capital of The Cotswolds’ Economic growth New walks and better facilities Bigger and better events