JL DRUMS Current Budget: $10,000 Jonni K
BACKGROUND Campaign Title: ‘Play Drum and Find Your Potential’ JL Drum is a non-profitable business Drums are not for sale! We teach drum! Professional drummers are there to teach children who cannot afford to learn but with passions
There are many instructors from around the world, so you can actually choose your drum instructor. Also, they are all “Qualified Professional Drummers.” Each instructor can speak up to 3 languages. JL Drum is looking for talented children who really are passionate about drums Most of the professional instructors are taught from even more professionals from JL drums.
KEY COMMUNICATION We do not sell hardware products, but we share heart. We are called JL Drum. Many professional drummers have applied to teach children with visions and passions who cannot pay for the course. The price is different at a time.
Many instructors are either bilingual or native speakers from all around the world, so that every child can learn in their mother language. The courses will be open in September, JLdrumschool.com Chief Director: Jae Sun Lee, Tel:
PRIMARY TARGET AUDIENCE Children aged 10 to 16 Children who has talents and passions No religious group discriminations Unisex Emulator D: Upper Lower class Tribe wired Digital, Free-spirited, creative young children.
SECONDARY TARGET AUDIENCE Children aged 10 to 16 Children who has talents and passions No religious group discriminations Unisex Each child needs to be an emulator. E: Lower Class Tribe wired Digital, Free-spirited, creative young children.
P.R. OBJECTIVES Target both high and low class children Film the demonstration videos to promote in the mass communication area Position as a place where you can have the best experience with the drums
STRATEGIES Place ‘JL Drum’ all over the Social Network Services such as Facebook, Tweeter, Tumblr Take the recordings to the broadcasting center to get it out in the news Make sure to promote that ‘JL Drum’ has only professional drum instructors are involved
TARGET PRESS Music Press Billboard Drummer Magazine Mojo Online Press Alternative Press Black Velvet Magazine Decibel Magazine
P.R. IDEAS Interview With well-known drummer of a band or bands Music Specialists Power Blogger who is popular about his/her reviews online Survey Neighborhood nearby about the facility Online survey which can go for a global range
PROMOTIONAL PARTNERS Judges of the ‘Drum Festival’ as co-instructors Music and Online Presses for the coverage Broadcasting centers for the demonstration videos Bloggers for the great reviews of our client