1 School Board and Superintendent Continuous Improvement and Evaluation Quality New Mexico June 9, 2011
2 BOE Beliefs – System vs. People If children are not learning at high levels, the adults have not done their part –Parents have not created a system of encouragement and support for learning –Teachers have teaching centered classrooms rather than learning centered classrooms –Principals have created adult centered schools rather than learning centered schools –Superintendents and school boards have created adult centered school systems rather than learning centered systems
3 VISION –Establish a vision for student achievement shared by the school board, superintendent, staff, and community. STANDARDS –Set clear learning standards for student achievement. ASSESSMENT –Establish an assessment system that periodically measures individual student progress toward standards. ACCOUNTABILITY –Establish a strong accountability process for the district. Key Work of School Boards
4 Key Work of School Boards ALIGNMENT –Align resources to ensure that students meet standards. CLIMATE –Create a positive learning environment or climate for improving student achievement. COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS –Build and maintain collaborative relationships between the board and the superintendent, and the leadership team with the community including key political and business leaders to develop support for student achievement as a top community priority. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT –Commit to continuous improvement for student achievement.
5 I-SS Mission/ Vision District Strategic Plan School Improve- ment Plans PLC Goals and PDSA Classroom Goals and PDSA Student Level PDSA Alignment
6 Governance –Board of Education as System –Board of Education System Check –Board of Education Survey –Board of Education Improvement Plan Contact ISS or Jim Shipley and Associates for the tools
7 The Board of Education (BOE) works with the Superintendent and staff in a climate of professionalism and mutual respect. The BOE exhibits ethics, integrity, flexibility, and tact when working as a Board. The BOE is accessible and responsive to the Superintendent, staff, and other stakeholders.
8 Board members use the district process and chain of command to resolve problems and complaints. The BOE makes decisions to support the district priorities and not individual Board member agendas. The BOE builds and maintains relationships with other governmental agencies. BOE demonstrates fiscal responsibility in management of the budget.
9 Board Goal Target Goal MeasureAction StepResponsib le Timeline Maintain effective relations with superintendent and staff Improve results on item #2 to 75% Survey Item #2Attend Area Advisory Meetings Scheduled visits to schools with superintendent Ratings of superintendent communications Wiberg Agate TBD March, 2008 Operate cost effectively and efficiently Improve results on item #14 to 75% 10% of Phase II construction on time and within budget Survey Item #14 % of Phase II completed Implement Phase II Facilities PlanHolliday Jackson June 30, 2008 Meet legal and policy requirements Every board member shall receive a minimum of 12 clock hours of training relevant to the ISS strategic goals and the BOE improvement goals Compliance with NCGS 115C- 50 Mid year and end of year reviews Attend NCSBA regional meetings Attend NCSBA conferences PDSA training Holliday Agate Clark March and August 2008 September 2008 As scheduled TBA Periodically evaluate Board effectiveness Improve results on composite of survey items #8,9,10 to 80% Achieve 75% A/B rating on community survey Obtain comparison data with 1 BOE using SC3 Composite of Survey Items #8, 9, 10 Community Survey SC3 Convene Phase III Facilities Task Force Document PDSA steps on board agenda items Report BOE progress on improvement plan quarterly Develop and implement community satisfaction survey Contact JSA for possible comparison district Dr. Cash Holliday Creason Clark November, 2007 Monthly November, February, April, August November, 2007 February, 2008 ISS BOE Improvement Plan
Activity –What is your process for superintendent evaluation? Is it aligned to the district strategic plan? Are the goals measureable? –What is your process for board self-evaluation and improvement? Do you focus on improvement of key board processes? 10