Student Achievement and Reporting System
MOEC curriculum - Teamwork; Resilience and Leadership.TeamworkResilience Leadership MOEC teaching. The relevance and value of feedback provided to each school. Student learning and well-being after their program. Connections with Parents.
Student names imported in to MOEC Student Information database from OneSchool. Parent address supplied through Medical Consent Form via MOEC Student Information database.
Optional Pre-survey conducted on-line from home or school - ESmart Start of program survey conducted on first day of program by ALL students - WordPad End of program survey conducted on last day of program by ALL students - WordPad Optional Post survey conducted on-line from home or school - ESmart
Compiles data for each individual, group and school. Produces and distribute s to all students and parents. Produces a report for the school regarding results for the school, groups and individual students of note. Produces data for analysis by MOEC staff to identify trends
Completed by MOEC Teachers, Visiting Teachers and two students from each group. It produces a school report that is ed to the school coordinator and principal along with the database reports.