Reflection Workshop “ How to best use the contribution of Working Group Members to improve the quality of CSO services ” 19 November 2015 At Sunway Hotel / Organized by: Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) Vision: Sustainable development for Cambodia
Working Group and Learning Forum Update / Organized by: Cooperation Committee for Cambodia (CCC) Vision: Sustainable development for Cambodia
Contents Update of WG statusAchievements supported by WGSurvey and evaluation results
Update of WG status 1)- Currently there are 41 active working group members 2)- Four TORs were agreed and approved by the WGs 3)- There are 26 WG profiles were prepared and some are in the process of finalizing Name of WGsNumbersNew members HR1001 ICT0902 M&E1205 Finance1001
Achievements Supported by WGs - Up to now, there have been 24 learning forums conducted - Four practical guidelines were produced and three guidelines were edited (M&E, ICT and Finance) and M&E was translated into Khmer version. - There have been 20 working group members playing role as guest speakers for learning forums. - Some WG members attended in strategic consultation to influence policy maker
Challenges - Some WG members are difficult to allocate time to attend in WG meetings and learning forums as calendar set. - Some speakers don’t follow the agreed process/flow. Ex: a lecture style instead of participation. - Outcome evaluation of learning forum is difficult because the previous participants are absent from second learning forum.
Solutions - CCC team will send WG meetings and learning forums calendar to all WG members and remind them regularly as well as all WG members should reserve time to participate as TOR. CCC management team should promote WG membership value to their own organization management levels. - For internal speakers (WG) should allocate some time to rehearse to be clear the process and topics. Furthermore, CCC and a few WGs should involve in discussing on process and topic as well as check the slide and design the activity with the external speakers. - CCC will suggest member NGOs management team sending the same staff to the learning forum for sustainable practice.
Survey result Outcomes Evaluation
Membership Survey
Thanks for your attention Any Question?