Science Network Meeting November 23, 2015
Welcome Learning Experience Posting: Step by step on how to create your own folder and how to upload the information into the folder. This is where you should be putting ALL of your Learning Experiences! By January there should be 3 in your folder.
Professional Learning or Professional Development?
List out professional development/learni ng experiences since July On a chart, categorize as either professional development or professional learning
survey Please click and complete the above survey
So rather than just focusing on a professional development day, what we really want to do is to begin to think about what is it that we expect educators to learn as a result of engaging in a day long experience, what learning do we want them to take away and how will that learning influence their practice in their role and how will that change in practice help students perform better. (video)
Making Meaning Quietly reflect on the statement for 3 minutes. “Thinking Hats” Protocol
What are the key considerations for designing and facilitating professional learning for your colleagues?
List out professional development/learni ng experiences since July On a chart, categorize as either professional development or professional learning Revisiting Our Lists
Why professional learning? It’s all about the students
Professional Learning Plan I would like to become more effective at ________ because _____________. What tells me this is an area of growth is_____(data/evidence). [Where am I?] I will know I’ve attained this goal/target by/when I ____ (outcome/measure). [Where do I want to go?] 2. What data or information will help me be optimally prepared for this learning experience? 4. What knowledge, practice, skills, or habits do I hope this will make possible? Excerpt from JSC The Learning Forward Journal August 2015, Vol. 36 No. 24 page 8 =To help individuals or teams prepare for a professional learning or learning event- use or adapt for a particular learning experience, whether virtual, face-to-face, short-term or ongoing. 1. How can I put myself in the best frame of mind for intentional learning through this experience? 1.Why did Why did I/my team engage in this experie nce? 2.I/my team engage in this experie nce? 5.What supports can I put in place now to ensure time and support for practice, reflection, and follow-up to this specific learning? Why do I want/need to engage in this experience? 3. What specific learning goals will this specific learning experience help me accomplish?
survey for-professional-learning/teacher-icmaps.pdf for-professional-learning/teacher-icmaps.pdf Please click and complete the above survey
Jigsaw Activity Divide the group into 7 (or 14) groups – Each group goes to the website above and watches the video and read through the material. Then using poster chart paper each group captures the essence of the standard- drawing, diagram, words – making the learning visual and shares out with each member contributing. THEN after they shared out, they would complete the paper post survey.
Commissioner Of Education: Stephen Pruitt’s video from KSTA Read, reflect and share: blog/whatd-he-say Be ready to share out after lunch!
Relating Your Learning Experiences to Danielson Framework Chose a Domain that is an area of your strength and one area of improvement. – Use your learning experience to provide evidence of your score you would give yourself within the Domain. Listen to your partner and determine if the evidence is “defensible” and provide one push back question to your partner and one complement. Note any changes or ahha moments to discuss
What group do you need to go to : Look at the group assignments that are on the chart paper on the wall. Go to your assigned space. This will be used as an “open space” meeting time. Be ready to summarize findings at the end of the time frame.
Learning Experience Time This is the time given to create your 3 rd learning experience to be implemented before the January meeting!
Evaluation Please click and complete the following evaluation prior to you leaving for your chance to “get a mystery prize!”
Homework Before the Jan meeting: – Create the PLC Priority Plan for 2016 – Create and Implement your 3 rd Learning Experience – Familiarize your self with the Framework, CHETL and how you have utilized the documents to “modify, evaluate, or inform your Learning Experiences”