Health and Community Working Group November 20, 2014
Overview of Plan Central Vermont Purpose: to guide and coordinate change and development in the Region. The Plan sets regional goals and policies, and provides a database with the intent of promoting the health, safety and general welfare. The 2016 Plan (Plan Central Vermont) will chart a course for the Region through the year 2024.
Who will use Plan Central Vermont? Local officials preparing and implementing municipal plans; CVRPC Committees and staff prioritizing work with communities and the Region; State agencies that have programs or take actions affecting land use, and; Local non-profits and businesses seeking support for activities. Act 250 and Section 248 review process for major land use developments.
Staff Incorporates all comments and suggestions on profiles and goals into the documents. Working Group (you) Offer feedback on the draft outlines and profiles, including what else needs to be covered. Evaluate and offer feedback on goals. Staff (me) Prepare draft outlines, profiles, and goals for Community Resources and Healthy Communities.
Regional Plan Draft Review Committee Discusses and either approves or offers additional suggestions on the element profiles. Working Group Refines goals if needed, and devises specific policies and strategies to meet the goals. Regional Plan Draft Review Committee Discusses and either approves or offers suggestions on goals.
Regional Planning Commission Discusses and offers additional suggestions on the element profiles. Regional Plan Draft Review Committee Finalizes the profiles, strategies and policies. Working Group Finalizes the profiles, strategies and policies.
Regional Planning Commission Approves and adopts the elements. Regional Plan Draft Review Committee Finalizes the elements based on commission feedback. Staff Incorporates all changes.
What does Vermont statute require? 24 V.S.A. § 4348a. Elements of a regional plan (5) A utility and facility element, consisting of a map and statement of present and prospective local and regional community facilities and public utilities, whether publicly or privately owned, showing existing and proposed educational, recreational and other public sites, buildings and facilities, including public schools, state office buildings, hospitals, libraries, power generating plants and transmission lines, wireless telecommunications facilities and ancillary improvements, water supply, sewage disposal, refuse disposal, storm drainage, and other similar facilities and activities, and recommendations to meet future needs for those facilities, with indications of priority of need (6) A statement of policies on the preservation of rare and irreplaceable natural areas, scenic and historic features and resources
How have we been doing? C to C+ “The plan generally does not identify needed improvements to community facilities and public utilities.” (This section has been extremely bare-bones until now.)
What we’ve heard from the public Strengths The region is full of creative people. There are lots of historic buildings and venues. Challenges It’s difficult to find funding. There’s lots of competition for audience and membership. Opportunities People want an inventory of Regional assets. Residents have a great entrepreneurial spirit.
Moving Forward YOU are the experts.