13-1 n Chapter 13 –Entry Team Leader Haz Mat Incident Considerations
13-2 Entry Team Leader n Session Objectives –Understand the roles and responsibilities of of the Entry Team Leader
13-3 Entry Team Leader Assistant Safety Officer Hazardous Materials
13-4 Entry Leader –Check-in and obtain briefing from the HMGS –Supervise entry operations –Recommend actions to mitigate the situation within the Exclusion Zone –Carry out actions, as directed by the HMGS, to mitigate the hazardous materials release or threatened release
13-5 Entry Leader –Maintain communications and coordinate operations with: »Decon Leader »SAC Leader »Tec. Spec./Haz Mat Ref.
13-6 Entry Leader –Maintain control of the movement of people and equipment within the Exclusion Zone –Direct rescue operations in the Exclusion Zone –Maintain Unit Log
13-7 Entry Leader Group Exercise »Analyze and recommend PPE »Establish time keeping procedures and working time »Establish communications procedures »Establish medical monitoring procedures »Establish entry objectives and identify equipment needed to complete objectives »Establish emergency evacuation and rescue procedures »Anticipate potential problems with decontamination »Maintain a unit log