1 DoD Role in Shaping Special Operations NDIA SO/LIC Symposium 6 February 2004 Honorable Thomas W. O’Connell ASD-SOLIC
2 Organizational Changes – Homeland Defense Within Department of Defense –United States Northern Command –Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense Within US Government –Department of Homeland Security –Homeland Security Council
3 SO/LIC Principals DASD SPECIAL OPS & COMBATING TERRORISM (Mr Michael Westphal) DIRECTOR, SPECIAL OPS RESOURCES (Mr Tim Morgan) DASD STABILITY OPERATIONS (Dr Joseph Collins) DASD SPECIAL OPS PROGRAM SUPPORT (Mr Paul Butler) Acting DASD COUNTERNARCOTICS (Mr Bob Newberry) ASD SO/LIC (The Honorable Thomas O’Connell) Strategy Integration Policy & Execution Coordination AntiTerrorism & Force Protection Peacekeeping Humanitarian Assistance Detainee Policy Military PSYOP CNT = Counter Narcoterrorism Worldwide MFP-11 & Technology Oversight Principal Deputy ASD SO/LIC (Mr. Paul Butler)
4 Changes in Defense – Strategic Focus SOCOM from supporting to supported combatant command Regional to Global Reactive to Proactive
5 National Strategies with particular SOLIC interest National Security Strategy –National Strategy for Combating Terrorism –National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction –National Drug Control Strategy
6 Secretary of Defense Query – Examples Does DoD need to think through new ways to organize, train, equip and focus to deal with the global war on terror? Are the changes we have made and are making too modest and incremental? What else should we be considering?
7 Global War On Terrorism – Strategy Support Framework Protect the Homeland Disrupt and destroy terrorist networks Counter moral and ideological support for terrorism
8 Projected Increases in SOCOM / MFP-11 resources Linked to increasing role in global war on terrorism 20% funding increase over 2003 level 4,000+ manpower increase over next 5 years –Initial 700 to provide 24/7 operations and intelligence fusion – supported commander –Future increases in both active and reserve components
9 The Global Picture – Counter Narcoterrorism (CNT) Heroin Trafficking Routes Cocaine Trafficking Routes Drug smuggling routes, methods, and revenues may benefit terrorists. DoD has worked with the countries shown in pink to fight drug trafficking.
10 Global SOF Activities – Examples Iraq Colombia Philippines Afghanistan Joint and Combined Exchange Training Regional Counterterrorism Fellowship
11 Interoperability Initiatives US Coast Guard US Marine Corps
12 Policy Functions as a “Two-way Street” National Security Interest National Security Strategy National Strategy for Combating Terrorism Ground Level Execution Pentagon visits by soldiers Site visits by leaders