Technology Training #5 Charger Thursday 11/19/15
As you are coming in, take the following survey: Go to: on your device OR Scan this QR Code: Everyone must take survey for themselves. Please don’t double-up!
As Exam Time Approaches - Quick Grading Programs & Applications May Come In Handy! Here are 3 grading applications for you to consider: Google Forms + Flubaroo
Your phone or tablet becomes the “Scantron” Free answer sheets provided - 20, 50, or 100 questions You create the quiz and define the key Provide instant feedback Designed to scan, grade, and review without an internet connection Free to download and use 100 times; full version $1.99 for 2 months or $6.99 per year Works on iOS and Android - Quick tutorial (1:07) -
Make an answer key or assessment on the website Free answer sheets provided - 30 questions; must join beta for 100 questions Administer and grade with app or mobile scanner Provide instant feedback 4 quizzes per month free - as many students as you like Works on iOS and Android; Beta for Chrome - Quick tutorial (1:59) -(press the play button when it comes up)
Google Forms & Flubaroo for Assessments - Flubaroo is a free add-on to Google Forms - Helps you quickly grade and analyze online assignments and assessments and results to students (100 s per day max). - Get scores for each student, view average score - Shows a grade distribution graph - Quickly identify questions which a majority of students missed - Quick tutorial (3:00) -
Flubaroo Demo - Tech Tools Review Scan the QR Code: OR Go to the link: Everyone must complete the activity for themselves. Please don’t double-up!
No Tech Training in December Work in Classrooms on December 10, 2015