Do Now 10/2- 2 Part Question Give an example of length and volume units that you use in the English System and explain what items they are used for. (Think about what you eat, sports, etc…) You Should Have your lab notebook
Do Now 10/2- 2 Part Question List an example of length and volume units that you use on a daily basis in the English system and explain what items they are used for. Give Examples of those units in metric units or SI Units. Why do scientist use these units? You Should Have your lab notebook
Writing notes from Q & A Sheet Write notes for each question Finish last column for homework.
Measuring Volume Get in groups of two and complete the bottom of the volume sheet- Do not write on sheet use your own paper. Have your lab notebook by Friday!
Metric Vs. English Metric System (S.I. - International System of Units- )Metric System (S.I. - International System of Units- ) -Celsius (Temp)-Celsius (Temp) English System (Imperial)English System (Imperial) -Fahrenheit (Temp)-Fahrenheit (Temp)
Metric Prefixes ilo ecto eka asic Units eci enti illi LMGLMGLMGLMG LMGLMGLMGLMG /10 1/1000 1/100 1
Metric Prefixes ilo ecto eka asic Units eci enti illi
$ mg = how many kg? Metrics
$500 Scores Metrics
$500 Scores Metrics
$500 Scores Metrics. 0006
Measurementmassgram G (kg) Triple Beam Balance volumeLiter L, mL, cm 3 Graduated cylinder or ruler lengthmeterm Ruler, meter stick temperatureCelsiusKelvinCThermometer Type of Measurement (quantity) SIUnitsymbol Lab Equipment or instrument TimeSecondS Stop Watch/Clock
liquid Measurement-Volume (liquid) Graduated cylinder Lab Equipment or instrumentmL, Lmeniscus
solid Measurement-Volume (solid) Ruler, meter stick V= L x W x H V=5 cm X 5 cm X 1 cm V= 25 cm 3 Lab Equipment or instrument cm 3 Length Height Width 1 cm 5 cm
Measurement-Mass Triple Beam Balance Lab Equipment or instrumentmg, cg, g, kg
Measurement-Mass Ruler, Meter Stick, Tape Measure Lab Equipment or instrumentmm, cm, m, km
Measurement-Temperature Thermometer Lab Equipment or instrumentCelsius
Measurement-Time Stop Clock/Watch Lab Equipment or instrumentseconds
Vocabulary Measurement (mass, volume, temperature, length, area, time, mole)Measurement (mass, volume, temperature, length, area, time, mole) DensityDensity UnitUnit Physical PropertyPhysical Property
Mass Mass is the measure of the amount of matter that an object contains.
Volume: An amount of three-dimensional space, often used to describe the space that an object takes up.
Qualitative Observations: Qualitative Observations: are made using the 5 senses. Although sight is the most utilized sense, touch, hearing, and smell are still important. Taste should not be used in the science laboratory. Quantitative Observations:Quantitative Observations: Involve numbers and measurements (Tools can be used to extend the senses so that quantitative observations can be made.) We have gone from the use of the naked eye, to magnifying glasses, to light microscopes, to electron microscopes for use in viewing small objects. Each advancement in technology allows us to make more detailed observations.