A Pacific Regional Perspective on Capacity Building for Climate Change Espen Ronneberg Climate Change Adviser SPREP Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme PO Box 240. Apia,
Overview Pacific experience with MEAs Pacific experience with MEAs Main issues facing PICs in FCCC negotiations Main issues facing PICs in FCCC negotiations Current efforts to remedy situation Current efforts to remedy situation Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluation
Pacific experiences with MEAs PICs become Parties to many MEAs without full understanding of obligations PICs become Parties to many MEAs without full understanding of obligations Capacity problems in developing implementation plans Capacity problems in developing implementation plans Capacity problems with substantive technical issues Capacity problems with substantive technical issues Lack of capacity to articulate/formulate proposals to remedy situation Lack of capacity to articulate/formulate proposals to remedy situation
Main issues on capacity in FCCC Poor outcomes could exacerbate PIC vulnerability (not enough adaptation) Poor outcomes could exacerbate PIC vulnerability (not enough adaptation) Need to articulate local and national adaptation concerns Need to articulate local and national adaptation concerns Find the appropriate ways and means of applying international technical and financial support to the national and local needs and requirements Find the appropriate ways and means of applying international technical and financial support to the national and local needs and requirements
Capacity issues cut across all climate change areas in PICs Science and technology Science and technology Adaptation options Adaptation options Mitigation potential under the CDM Mitigation potential under the CDM Communications strategies Communications strategies National action plans and national communications drafting National action plans and national communications drafting Consistency of personnel attending meetings Consistency of personnel attending meetings
Capacity development to date Ensued with PICCAP project, as well as through National Capacity Self Assessments Ensued with PICCAP project, as well as through National Capacity Self Assessments Ad-hoc capacity building through community based adaptation project Ad-hoc capacity building through community based adaptation project PI Renewable Energy Project set stage PI Renewable Energy Project set stage But, monitoring and evaluation often done as afterthought, and often too late But, monitoring and evaluation often done as afterthought, and often too late
What is proposed to remedy? SPREP is developing a project proposal for EU/ACP funding as an umbrella mechanism for capacity building SPREP is developing a project proposal for EU/ACP funding as an umbrella mechanism for capacity building SPREP will provide technical assistance, training, policy and advisory support services for practical capacity building SPREP will provide technical assistance, training, policy and advisory support services for practical capacity building Project will act to channel further capacity building funds in a coordinated manner Project will act to channel further capacity building funds in a coordinated manner Sustainability to be sought through incorporation in national sustainable development strategies and appropriate national coordination Sustainability to be sought through incorporation in national sustainable development strategies and appropriate national coordination
SPREP as lead agency on FCCC SPREP will also coordinate through regional climate change framework and regional climate change roundtable process SPREP will also coordinate through regional climate change framework and regional climate change roundtable process Monitoring and evaluation will be facilitated through roundtable discussions on gaps in implementation Monitoring and evaluation will be facilitated through roundtable discussions on gaps in implementation
Monitoring and evaluation The needs for M&E are well recognized The needs for M&E are well recognized Past efforts ex post facto Past efforts ex post facto Continuous capacity development facility will be established through SPREP Continuous capacity development facility will be established through SPREP Build on regional expertise and enhance capacity through all new and existing opportunities – long term goal Build on regional expertise and enhance capacity through all new and existing opportunities – long term goal
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