Arferion Dysgu ac Addysgu Effeithiol Effective Practice in Learning and Teaching Ffocws ar Addysgeg A Focus on Pedagogy.


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Presentation transcript:

Arferion Dysgu ac Addysgu Effeithiol Effective Practice in Learning and Teaching Ffocws ar Addysgeg A Focus on Pedagogy

Tair Lefel Diwygio Tri Level Reform Cydlyniaeth ac eglurder Coherence and Clarity of Vision. Cyfrifoldeb ac atebolrwydd Responsibility and Accountability. Cydweithio Working Together.

Aims (1) Nodau 1 Why focus on Pedagogy? Improve learner outcomes Improve standards of teaching in all phases and sectors Celebrate the work of practitioners Raise the professional profile of practitioners Pam Canolbwyntio ar Addysgeg? Gwella canlyniadau dysgwyr Gwella safonau addysgu ym mhob cyfnod a sector Dathlu gwaith ymarferwyr Codi Proffil proffesiynol ymarferwyr

Aims (2) Nodau (2) Transform focus of education from individual to collective professionalism Develop a model for pedagogy that will become embedded over the next 3 years Link explicitly to the School Effectiveness Framework and the Quality Effectiveness Framework Trawsnewid ffocws addysg o’r unigolyn i broffesiynoldeb cyfunol Datblygu fframwaith ar gyfer addysgeg a fydd yn ymwreiddio dros y 3 -5 mlynedd nesaf Cyswllt eglur â’r Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion a Fframwaith Ansawdd ac Effeithiolrwydd

Sut y penderfynwyd ar y Nodau a’r Ffocws How were the Aims and Focus decided? 11 practitioners from across Wales, from a variety of learning settings with a passion for learning. Regular meetings to reflect on each others’ practice in a variety of learning settings Research into Pedagogy 11 o athrawon o bob cwr o Gymru, o amrywiaeth o leoliadau dysgu gyda brwdfrydedd dros ddysgu. Cyfarfodydd rheolaidd i fyfyrio ar eu harfer ei gilydd mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau dysgu Ymchwil i Addysgeg

Ystyriaeth a Thrafodaeth Consideration and Discussion Dysgu Learning Cydlyniad Coherence Proffesiynoldeb Professionalism

Datblygu y Model Addysgeg Developing the Pedagogy Model Why? To organise our thinking To focus our research into Pedagogy To reflect on practical experience To develop a common language to focus the discussion, debate and action. Pam? Trefnu ein ffordd o feddwl Canolbwyntio ein hymchwil i Addysgeg Myfyrio are brofiad ymarferol Datblygu iaith gyffredin er mwyn canolbwyntio’r drafodaeth, y ddadl a’r gweithredu

Framework for Effective Pedagogy Enhanced learner outcomes and wellbeing Relationships and Environment The Learning Process Teaching Strategies P E F L C T I V R A

Fframwaith ar gyfer Addysgeg Effeithiol Y Broses Ddysgu Strategaethau Addysgu Addysgeg effeithiol - gwell canlyniadau a lles disgyblion Cydberthnasau a'r Amgylchedd L O M I Y R F Y

Mae’r cyfan yn fwy na’r rhannau unigol. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Learning approaches. Teaching strategies Learning relationships. Mae’r cyfan yn fwy na’r rhannau unigol. Dulliau Dysgu Strategaethau addysgu Cydberthnasau dysgu

Arferion a Darpariaeth Practice and Provision Fframwaith Addysgeg yn diffino arferion Pedagogy Framework defines the practice Fframwaith Effeithiolrwydd Ysgolion yn diffinio’r ddarpariaeth i ddatblygu’r arferion School Effectiveness Framework defines the provision to develop the practice

Link to School Effectiveness

Cyswllt i Effeithiolrwydd Ysgol

Cefnogi Ymarferwyr Supporting Practitioners Collective, Reflective and Effective. New Knowledge Reflection Observation, coaching and mentoring Learning communities Research Cyfunol, Myfyriol ac Effeithiol Gwybodaeth Newydd Myfyrio Arsylwi, hyfforddi a mentora Cymunedau dysgu Ymchwil

Cyhoeddiadau Publications Effective Practice in Learning and Teaching – A Focus on Pedagogy (Information Document No: 074/2009) Arferion Effeithiol wrth Ddysgu ac Addysgu – Ffocws ar Addysgeg (Dogfen Wybodaeth Rhif: 074/2009)

Camau Nesaf Next Steps Ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid allweddol – gan gynnwys Estyn, GACC, Cynghorwyr Gwella Ysgolion AALl, Consortia Cymru a darparwyr HCA. Engagement with Key Stakeholders – including Estyn, GTCW, LEA School Improvement Advisers, Consortia Cymru and ITT providers Datblygu Cynllun Gweithredu Addysgeg Development of Pedagogy Action Plan Digwyddiadau rhanbarthol gydag Addysgwyr Regional events with practitioners

Cysylltiadau/Contacts Claire Thomas – 029 2082 3205 Julie Shipp - 029 2080 1019 Sian Garstang - 01745 538514