Welcome John Robinson
Continue to Improve
Outcomes / Achievements
Continue to Improve Outcomes / Achievements Work / Process
What dominates? Work Outcomes
What dominates? Outcomes Hunter, Gatherer, Farmer Work
What dominates? Outcomes Factory work, shop assistant Work
What dominates? Outcomes Most jobs Promotion => Work
What dominates? Outcomes University degree Work
What dominates? Outcomes Most graduates’ first job Work
Not one dimension, but two Amount of work Achievements
The Relationship: This? Amount of work Achievements
The Relationship: Or this? Amount of work Achievements
The Relationship: Simplified model Amount of work Achievements
Working smarter Amount of work Achievements
Ways to work smarter
Training Technology Processes Documents
The York Pedagogy Better co-design of work and achievement
Our teaching programmes Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Amount of work Achievements
The York Pedagogy Better co-design of achievement and work
The York Pedagogy Better co-design of achievement and work More ambitious in final outcomes Enable students to work smarter (increase the slope) Intermediate outcomes are important too
The York Pedagogy Every programme has inspiring, distinctive, empowering objectives, and each stage of study offers clear progress towards those programme objectives Engaging student work enables students to make that progress Interactions between students and staff encourage, inform and accelerate students’ work
Visualisation and the pedagogy Primary programme learning outcomes
Visualisation and the pedagogy Primary programme learning outcomes Schedule of student work during degree (Modules and contact events not shown but within the visualisation)
Visualisation and the pedagogy Primary programme learning outcomes Schedule of student work during degree
The York Pedagogy Better co-design of achievement and work More ambitious in final outcomes Enable students to work smarter (increase the slope) Intermediate outcomes are important too
Continue to improve Better co-design of achievement and work More ambitious in final outcomes Enable students to work smarter (increase the slope) Intermediate outcomes are important too
Continue to improve Co-design of achievement and work Ambitious final outcomes Enable ourselves to work smarter (increase the slope) Intermediate outcomes are important too