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Layout: Narrow Right Column MISSION WTCS develops individuals who apply knowledge and skills to enhance quality of life and boost economic vitality. Statutorily-defined mission Shared governance
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Operational Revenues Unique page - not a template layout
2007 – 2014 $2,026,500 Long term transformative change in the technical college, economic development and workforce development systems. The RISE Partnership Layout: Narrow Left Column
RISE PARTNERS Department of Workforce Development (DWD) Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Madison College South Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SCWWDB) Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS) 16 WTCS College and 11 WDBs Layout: Narrow Left Column
Source Layout: Narrow Left Column
Career Pathways Model
Layout: Narrow Left Column Adult Career Pathway Examples Administrative Professional 2 Years Automotive Postsecondary Administrative Professional AAS-SS credits 1 Year Automotive Maintenance TD 17 credits Office Technology Assistant Diploma 12 credits Automotive Electrical Certificate 9 credits Basic Office Tech Certificate 12 credits ABE/ELL-AHS Auto Technology ABE/ELL-AHS Office Technology Below Postsecondary
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WTCS Annual State Funding Layout: Narrow Left Column Career Pathways $4 million Apprentice Related Instruction $500,000 Core Industry $6 million Developing markets $1.5 million Student Support $3 million Workforce Advancement Training $4 million Work-Based Training Grants to Tribal Colleges $594,000 Professional Development $ 1 million Supporting Veteran’s Success $500,000
Career Pathways Grants State-Funded (GPR) Create, expand and/or implement career pathways including providing instructional and supportive services for students in these pathways – to help students, who are engaged in a career pathway, achieve educational attainment and credentials which prepare them for progression in a career. Layout: Narrow Left Column
Outcomes Based Funding Layout: Narrow Left Column 10 Measures (including): Placement Rate Degrees & Certificates Awarded Transitions from ABE & ELL to Post Secondary Number of courses with industry validated curriculum Number of adults served by courses combining basic skills and occupational training & their success rate Number of members of special populations served Developing Credit for Prior Learning
Gold Standard The Gold Standard Career Pathway has been established in order to recognize the exemplary level of Career Pathway Development among the 16 Wisconsin Technical Colleges. The Gold Standard serves as a model of the highest level of success and innovation. Layout: Narrow Left Column
TAACCCT Grants 16 Colleges and System Office involved; $49 Million total in 4 rounds; Manufacturing, IT and Healthcare Industry engagement in curriculum development; New instructional methods; Credit for Prior Learning; Career Pathway Roadmaps. Layout: Narrow Left Column
ACT 2 DOL TAACCCT Round 4 Exceeding the Cap $5,000,000 Take Career Pathway advancement in Wisconsin to greater scale and alignment. “Scale does not simply mean simply increasing the number of career pathways established…(it means) credentialing and building better ladders and lattices for adult learners… engage deeply in alignment.” Layout: Narrow Left Column
Align career pathway policy between systems through collaboration; Take district career pathways to scale using coordinated learning and professional development for WTCS staff, partners’ staff, and college personnel; Evaluate and incorporate effective best practices and supports to better transition all TAA, TAA-like, and other adult learners and improve outcomes. ACT2 GOALS Layout: Narrow Right Column
Wisconsin Pathways Committee Guide and support state-wide agency collaboration; Create a state level system; Create alignment within agencies; Plan and support professional development Layout: Narrow Left Column 14 members Technical Colleges K-12 Workforce Development Economic Development Veterans Vocational Rehabilitation Community Based Org Workforce Development Boards Assoc.
Career Pathway Systems Layout: Narrow Left Column
Key Pathways Team Layout: Narrow Left Column Internal WTCS Team Engage as a team to achieve the ACT2 grant goals and objectives. Continue to integrate Career Pathways into WTCS functions and systems. Infuse Career Pathways into the “specialty areas” of WTCS. Coordinate Career Pathway activities with colleges and external organizations (i.e. Moving Pathways Forward). Provide information to and receive feedback from the field.
1.Coordinates across college departments and systems to accommodate Career Pathways and the adult learners pursuing a pathway credential. 2.Collaborates with faculty and staff to improve curriculum delivery methods. 3.Coordinates with education, workforce and business partners to develop and utilize Career Pathways. 4.Brings the appropriate experts and resources together to create and improve Career Pathway components and assists them to prepare applications for Embedded Technical Diplomas and Career Pathway certificates for state approval. 5.Guides development of Career Pathway maps and communication tools to inform industry, students and policy makers about Pathways that the College has developed. 6.Monitors progress, facilitates improvement processes and reporting on the impact of Career Pathways. 7.Collaborates with professionals at other Colleges and WTCS. CORE RESPONSIBILITIES Layout: Narrow Left Column
ACT2 Team Layout: Narrow Left Column
Building Statewide Systems Multi-agency stakeholder policy team meetings! Mutual definition accepted! Mutual vision statement accepted! Mutual strategy development starting! Testing metrics! Layout: Narrow Left Column
System Influence Layout: Narrow Right Column