Wrote about the gods Father of tragedy Expanded the number of actors on stage and reduced the chorus Wrote the only surviving Greek trilogy: The Oresteia
Wrote about the will of man vs. the will of the gods Allowed his characters to question fate Added third actor to the stage Won City Dionysia prize 18 times Equated to Shakespeare as one of the greatest playwrights of all time Wrote Oedipus, Antigone, Electra
Wrote about people. Social consciousness and psychological motivation Emphasis on human emotion, sorrow and compassion (pathos) Wrote Medea, The Trojan Women, Alcestis, and Hippolytus
Old Comedy ( Comedy about politics and institutions of the day (Satire) usually bawdy and filled with innuendo) Wrote The Clouds, The Frogs, Lysistrata Considered nothing “sacred” would poke fun at the gods
New Comedy: dealt with daily life & ordinary man Wrote The Curmudgeon “ Stock” characters