Functions and Statistics/ Algebra I Ms. Jackson Room 505
“If you can overcome negativity, everything becomes easier.” Let’s keep this quote in mind as we start our year. Have a positive attitude towards math, your teachers, your school, and everything else. “MAKE IT WORK!” It might not always turn out like you planned but as long as something is there, you can work with it.
Procedures Check the materials list and get out what you need. Turn in any assignments that you need to turn in. Grab any papers from the box and follow the instructions on the board. If there are no instructions, then it is something we are doing in class. Get the rest of your materials out and put your bag under your desk. You are NOT allowed back in your bag until it is time to pack up so get it out or don’t use it. Be ready to go when the tardy bell rings.
During instructional time, you are not allowed to leave the classroom unless called out or in an emergency. You will only have 3 bathroom passes a quarter. Once you have used them, you will get a detention for every time you want to leave. If the office calls you, you are still responsible for getting notes/work for the day. Find a buddy to get notes from and pick up the work so you can turn it in.
Attendance Check the handbook for the Attendance policy. If you miss, it is your responsibility to get the work and notes. Most of the work you can find on my website or in the absent binder. All work is due x days after you get back. If you are tardy to class 3 times, you will begin receiving detentions. NO ONE is allowed in class without a tardy slip. Failure to bring one results in an immediate detention.
Grades All formative assessments are due the following day unless otherwise indicated. For every day they are late, you will lose 5 points on the assignment. You will continue to do this until the test. After the test, the highest grade you can make is a 67. All work turned in before the test will be returned for corrections (partial credit will be given).
Once a quarter, you will be given a chance to retest on your lowest test grade. If you want to do well, I suggest you sign up for tutoring or attend academic clinic. If you wish to retake more than one test, you must fill out a request to retest form and attach the proof to the form. Class participation assignments cannot be made up. Group assignments will be given and your group will grade itself. (More on this when we set up groups)
ALL grades are worth 100 points. In this classroom, we do percentages: – Tests : 35% (min of 4) – Class work: 20% (min of 3) – Homework: 10% (min of 2) – Class Participation: 5% (min of 1) – Interactive Notebook: 5% (min of 1) – Quizzes: 5% (min of 1) – Exam: 20% (Semester only)
Guide in JPAMS: X – This means you were absent, you must make this up, counts as a zero. 0 – This means you were present and didn’t turn in your work. 1 – This means you turned in your work, but didn’t get anything right. You will get this back to correct for partial credit, but will be required to attend a tutoring session to do so. E – This means that you have been excused from this assignment, you do not have to make it up, but can.
Behavior Expectations You are expected to: – Come to class on time and be prepared – Have all materials needed every day. – Respect the rights of your classmates as they strive to learn – Respect the teacher, the class, and your classmates – Pay attention when someone is speaking. – Be on task – Make a valid attempt to understand the math – Ask for help when your individual effort and group work are not succeeding – Follow all rules and procedures without constantly being reminded
Behavior Expectations You can expect me: – Come to class on time and prepared – Treat you with respect – Attempt to provide a comfortable environment conducive to learning – Explain the mathematical concepts to the best of my ability – Help you to learn how to learn and how to work cooperatively with others – Attempt to make the class informative, interesting and enjoyable – Help to prepare you for the EOC or ACT – Make myself available for extra help or to find you help when I can’t.
Class Supplies College Ruled Composition Books (4, one per quarter) Pencils (Lead and Erasable Colored) Binder for Handouts Loose leaf college ruled paper Graph paper (Functions only) 3 Prong Class Colored Folder Required Class Supply $6 Math Lab Fee (Due Sept 11)
Class Supply and Color 1 st Period: RedKleenex 2 nd Period: OrangePaper Towels/Clorox Wipes 3 rd Period: YellowPencils 5 th Period: GreenPaper Towels/Clorox Wipes 6 th Period: BlueKleenex 7 th Period: PurplePencils
Website and Extra Credit You can bring in extra materials and/or copy paper for extra credit. There will be online extra credit work available shortly. You can access the majority of information on my website
Assignment Have your parent/guardian me at They should put YOUR NAME and Class Period in the SUBJECT line – 3 Words to describe you – 2 things about you I should know or they want to tell – 1 goal they have for you this year – Any other additional information