Status and organization of the H8c area Mirko Berretti 08/07/2015 (with M.Bozzo, N.Minafra, E.Oliveri, X. Pons…)
Summer TBs: infrastructures overview Remote movable table in X-Y. xy =0.1mm but X movement will be provided by the RP motor. Remote movable table in XY direction: xy =0.1mm TOTEM Timing CT-PPS Timing Tracker externally triggered by Scint- 1 and Scint-2 (pairs of scintillators, trigger area ∼ 2cm x 2cm) Scint-2 Scint-1 H8 setup: Diamonds/quartz X-movement provided by the RP movement system (from the CR, 5 m step). Diamonds/quartz Y-movement provided by the table (from the CR, 0.1 mm resolution/step). SPS beam: E=180 GeV protons Divergence: rad Rate 5-10 KHz/cm 2 /spill Timing detector movement: Tracker: 3 triple GEM planes, 70 m hit resolution/plane (thanks to E. Oliveri, RD51) Eventual time reference or/and additional coincidence to the scintillator / trig out (min. area ∼ 1mm 2 ) ∼ 20 cm min distance, due to the tracker frame currently ∼ 2m distance, can be varied Trig-OUT
RP movement status Desy table installed, the movement control was already tested form the CR. Expected movement reproducibility < 0.1mm, will be tested with particles in the next parasitic beam. Motors connected to the racks, movement tested from inside the experimental area. Movement control expected to be transferred in the CR this week, reproducibility ∼ 5 m.
Many thanks to E. Oliveri and to RD51. GEM tracker: gas system in H8 tested, small leakage to be fixed/better quantified. External NIM trigger-IN (now with 10cmx10cm scintillators) and NIM trigger-OUT. Acquisition window small enough to avoid any pile-up issue with our rate H8c. Should perform well up to 1KHz, rate can be increased by a factor 4 by reducing the sensitive area (so the number of RO chips) to 3cmx3cm. Asked a proper table to adapt the frame tracker to the beam height in H8 (we should have before the 15 th July). Tracker status
Support/Training for the tracker acquisition until August (Magdlena/Finland). Important: DAQ system already tested by RD52, root file with tracks/clusters, alignment sw already available. Important: trigger out tested at few hundreds Hz, only event that are saved generated a trigger out (very useful for synchronization of our devices with the tracker). Available in H8 from 15 th July. Tracker status Chamber 1-2 Chamber 3
H8 beam measurements Counts per spill as recorded by the wire chamber at the entrance of our area (X-scale in mm). Final optics focusing on the RP used. ∼ 1 cm beam width. 10 KHz rate in 2 cm x 2 cm per spill. Vertical profile Horizontal profile
H8c time reference (diamonds) Attempt for a time reference based on diamonds. Copper bar (30 cm length) was put in front of the diamond to get showers and increase the signal (time resolution improvement) NB: no effort spent to work on better algorithms (no time walk correction on saturated signal) =90 ps (1 particle) =70 ps (2 particles?) < 40 ps (>2particles?) Strip Pulse Height Two diamonds planes Copper bar
H8c time reference (diamonds) Showers create 15% of triggers with saturated signal both in the front and in the rear diamond
H8c time reference (diamonds) TStrip1-TPlainTStrip2-TPlain Two diamond strips available, each one with T < 40 ps, combined measurement expected to be in the range of T = ps. T (ns)
Conclusions RP installed, movement system almost ready to be used from the CR. First measurements to estimate the beam size and the trigger rate with the final optics. Tracker available from 15 th July, its trigger out can be used for synchronization with the timing detectors for efficiency and cross talk measurements. Timing reference based on showering protons in the strip diamonds should provide a ps time resolution.