LIU-ABT systems: SPS T. Kramer, E. Carlier, L. Ducimetiere, L. Sermeus, J. Uythoven LIU-IONS 4 th November /11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review2
Content General Overview ( only ABT-FPS relevant aspects are outlined in this presentation, ABT-SE aspects can be found in Mike’s presentation) Installed System & Planned Modifications Budget Manpower / Resources Schedule Conclusions 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review3
New SPS Injection Layout for Ions (100ns) Use existing (fast) MKP-S kicker with additional PFL. Additional septa (MSI-V) needed. Requires ion injection dump upstream QD MKP-S MKP-L TBSJ MSI MSI-V SPS LSS1 4 MSI MSI-V MKP-S TDI Element Magnetic Length [m] Deflection [mrad] MSI-V (2)1 per mag.12.3 MSI (4)2.1 per mag.42.8 MKP-S (12)8.63 all2.07 17 GeV/c/u PB 82+ 100 ns rise time Q20 compatible Low impedance impact FS chapter 3; page 6 f. SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review
Specifications Draft of functional specification available ( SPU-M-ES-0001 /EDMS ). Circulated and comments received. New version to be released. Main changes: Addition of valves and special flanges for quick disconnect (see presentation on Septa). MSI-V power supply ripples definition: Now 500 ppm – coherent with assumed MSI (100ppm) and 2% MKP ripple. To be compared to emittance budget for injection (presently not available) and damper performance. SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review 5 Figure: MSI, MSI-V, MKP ripple and effect on emittance. Courtesy F.M. Velotti.
04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review6
MKP - Installed System (BA1) 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review7 installed already planned for last MKP upgrade
Fast Pulsed Magnet System – MKP 100ns PFL upgrade SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review8 100ns circulating beam injected bunches System Requirements: Max. rise time: 100ns (2%-98%) Max. flat top ripple: +/-2% Fall time: < 4µs Flat top length: >305 ns Jitter: <5ns Voltage limited to: 40kV Max. system kick: 2.5mrad Max. rep. rate: 2.4s 98% 2% Use MKP-S magnets with new PFL (MKP-L too slow). No layout or equipment change in the tunnel! No change to p+ inj. System (except switch). Needs transverse damper to limit blow up. 04/11/2014 Simulations to be redone (data lost after SW upgrade?)
Schematic overview of one MKP PFL branch including controls (preliminary) EDS, EES, Thyristor switch Step up transformer Capacitors P/S PFL Low voltage Network connection High Voltage Connection (6 per PFL) Controls System (EC) Medium Voltage Connection HV divider, Safety switches, State of manual safety switch, oil level, temperature, state of protection switch Signal from HV divider DCPS Discharge Switch Connection between PFN/PFL Several signals depending on finally realized solution PFN Discharge Switch RCPS interface 04/11/20149 Interlock signals
HV-connection of PFL & PFN to Magnet (I) 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review10 2 x 3 RG-220U Transmission cables MS Thyratron PFN PFL 3 x 25Ω? 70m 2 x 3 RG-220U Transmission cables MS Thyratron (PFL) PFN PFL 3 x 25Ω? 70m MS Thyratron (PFN) Magnet Module n+1 Magnet module n Magnet Module n+1 Magnet module n 8.3 Ω 16.6 Ω Option 1Option 2
HV-connection of PFL & PFN to Magnet (II) Option 1Option 2 Only 1 MS Thyratron 2 passive diode stacks Rise time too much affected by diode stack? PFN clipper switch action affected? 2 Thyratrons ( requiring also resources for controls, trigger, heaters, protection circuits etc.) 2 nd Thyratron sees full backward voltage Faster rise time than option 1? 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review11
100ns MKP PFL test stand Use MKP HV test cage (Salève 4). Basic tests (initially) planned: Use MKPS magnet, MKA switch, old 25 Ohm cable (PFL) and MKE RG220 test cable drums to proof 100ns rise time of PFL directly connected to magnet. Extended tests: Include low impedance connection of PFL and PFN to TX-cables as well as it is the challenging part. Issue: PFN can’t be heavily modified as active spare for SPS operations. Manpower for development, test preparation & assembly theoretically assigned but so far busy with higher priority tasks. ( change necessary but not very likely ) 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review12
Budget 100 ns Injection kicker Review 2013 latest Foreseen update Proto-type0150 Design office PFLs300 6 switches connections PFN/PFL-300 Hydraulic system Resonant Charging Systems (50% EC) BA1 modifications (40% EC)100 Cabling (50% EC)100 Slow controls Fast controls Interlocking FSU controls0050 Total /11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review13 No spending profile made yet. Budget uncertainty will decrease by mid 2015 (outcome of tests, detailed definition of system components). all in kCHF
Manpower / Resources 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review14 WorkunitFTE Prototype1 PFL / switch /connection box / modification of PFN tank3.5 RCPS0.8 Cabling0.2 Fast & slow controls / interlocking1 BA1 modifications0.5 Total7 Need to allocate names and to coordinate peak loads with other projects! Constantly allocated technician would be of advantage. Other resources: FPS designer team for low impedance connections (not included). Design office 2015 request already forwarded (to be further detailed). Test cage Salève 4 for 2015 (possible adaption not included). Assembly area to be found! (controlled zone 867??)
LIU-SPS activities In addition : EN-EL cabling campaign = 10 months From end of beam to beam commissioning ≈ 14 months (including 1.5 month of RP cooling) Hardware tests + Cold check-out = 2.5 months From beam to beam = 16.5 months (= ready for beam from PS) Beam commissioning = 1.5 months 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review 15 Info: D.McFarlaneLS2 Draft schedule MKP PFL upgrade activity is purely in BA1! Have to clearly separate from tunnel activities to avoid collisions with other work planned in BA1. as presented in Chamonix by J. Coupard
Planned Schedule 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review16 SPS MKP 100ns PFL upgrade 2014LIU-SPS Ion Injection Functional Specification (Done, waiting for other WU and approval ) Early 2015Basic 100ns PFL test stand available (867). Mid 2015Basic 100ns PFL tests and analysis finished. Carry on with extended tests if necessary (see option1/2). Q4/2015Detailed system design & Technical Specification available. EOY 20151st drawings available. Q2/2016All Drawings available. Long lead items ordered. Production for “in-house” subcomponents started. 2017Production and preassembly. Q2/2018Preassembly finished – QA lab testing of produced components. Aug/2018Installation of PFL cables. Q4/2018Modification of PFN tank/ installation of PFL switch components. 2019Installation of RCS, connection of new components to controls system. EOY/2019All activities finished. Q1/2020HW/Beam commissioning. Activities in parallel with KFA-53(45?) development!
Conclusions Functional Specification Functional Specification for MKP 100ns PFL available (not approved). test stand proof of principle increased priority. MKP 100ns PFL upgrade test stand is essential to have proof of principle (rise time /ripples) and to decide on final hardware layout (might have budget impact). Needs increased priority. Budget and manpower Budget and manpower estimates available however no spending profile, detailed breakdown and manpower allocation done yet. ( Important to be done in correlation with other projects to avoid peak loads already in the planning). the project risk Despite the small modification, the project risk is considered as “high” until detailed emittance blow up budget is exactly known and 100ns PFL test stand yields a proof of principle. compatible with schedule if manpower effectively available Theoretically compatible with schedule if manpower is effectively available – practically however impact from operations and emerging projects (e.g. FCC) is likely. 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review17
FS - Beam Characteristics SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review 19 PS bunch spacing 100ns Bunches per PS batch 2 or 4 SPS injection spacing 100ns Pb ion bunch intensity at injection 2.2 10 8 For beam dump assumed 3.8 10 8 ions FT beam: ( nx, ny ); Energy inj.; Br (12, 7.0); 14.0; 49.7mm, GeV/c; T.m Ion beam (Pb 82+ ): ( nx, ny ); Energy inj.; Br (1.3, 1.3); 17.1; 60.1mm, ZGeV/c; T.m LHC beam: ( nx, ny ); Energy inj.; Br (3.5, 3.5); 26.0; 89.8mm, ZGeV/c; T.m FS chapter 2; page 6
Checklist (for all talks, to be addressed) : Scope & Specifications: Summary of specs/scope All clear? Anything missing? Concerns? Project structure, list of work items and responsible persons: All clear? Anything missing? Interfaces/communication established? Technical progress on activities? Issues? Layout, drawings, integration, interfaces, documentation: All clear ? ABT-external resources estimated and requested? Milestones & schedule (from specification, hardware procurement, prototype tests (dry and beam MDs) to installation and commissioning). Budget, budget profil, CtC. Manpower planning. Anyone missing? Risks? 04/11/2014 SPS LIU-ABT Systems Review20