Objectives (12/7/2015) TLW review quiz taken last Friday on Module TLW begin module 7.2 by finding LCM I can statement…. TLW solve equations with rational number coefficients and constants. Homework TLW complete page 207 #10-17 even only and #19 on page 208 TLW complete worksheet started in class given by the teacher. Looking ahead Keep checking Pinnacle
Christmas Break Countdown! 9 days!
What is LCD ?
What is the LCD of 5 and 8? What is the LCD of 5, 3, and 10?
Team A T-SHIRTS ORDERS ARE TAKEN PLACE NOW…ORDER FROM Mrs. Molme! Price: $10 Color shirts: Lime green Team name: CHARGERS December 11, 2015
Joke of the day! Why did the man put the clock in the safe?
Joke of the day! He wanted to save time.
Joke of the day! What is put on a table, cut, but never eaten?
Joke of the day! A deck of cards.