Genealogical Resources for Academic Research 5-State Government Documents Conference August 3, 2006 Sharon M.Partridge, Jefferson County Public Library
What We Have: Until January 1, 1820, the U.S. Federal Government did not require require captains or masters of vessels to present a passenger list to U.S. officials. Thus, as a general rule, NARA does not have passenger lists of vessels arriving before January 1, There are, however, two exceptions to this general rule: Arrivals at New Orleans, Louisiana, , are reproduced in NARA microfilm publication: Roll 1 of M2009, Work Projects Administration Transcript of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, (2 rolls). Arrivals at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, , are reproduced in two NARA microfilm publications: Rolls 1-29 of M425, Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (108 rolls), which is indexed by M360, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (151 rolls). Note, however, that M425 undoubtedly does not include everyone arriving at Philadelphia during
History -> U.S Congress