Last Updated : 27 th April 2004 Center of Excellence Data Warehousing Group An Introduction to Teradata
An Introduction To Teradata An RDBMS product of Teradata – a Division of NCR. High performance decision support system, capable of handling complex queries. Capable of handling terabytes of detailed data in billions of rows. Build on parallel database technology. Effectively analyze the complex and large amount of data by automatically distributing data and workload.
Distinctive Features of Teradata Supported by sophisticated query parallelism. Unlimited scalability Seamless mainframe connectivity. Share-nothing parallel architecture that can be deployed on both SMP and MPP hardware configuration. Mission critical availability. Set of high performance load/unload utilities. Near-Zero administration
Data Warehouse Tools Interfacing with Teradata Data Transformation Apertus - Enterprise Integrator Carleton – Passport ETI - Extract Prism - Warehouse Manager SAS - Warehouse Administrator & Base Synectis Solution – Catalyst Trillium Software - Trillium
Data Warehouse Tools Interfacing with Teradata Data Mining Angoss - KnowledgeSEEKER HyperParallel - Discovery Suite KD1 - Dynamic Suite Quadstone - Decisionhouse Sabre Technology Solutions - Datawise SAS - Enterprise Miner
Data Warehouse Tools Interfacing with Teradata Server OLAP MicroStrategy - MicroStrategy Agent 6.0 Computer Associates - InfoBeacon
Data Warehouse Tools Interfacing with Teradata Brio Technology - BrioQuery Enterprise Series Business Objects - Business Objects Cognos - PowerPlay/Impromptu Informations Builders - Focus Seagate Software - Seagate Holos
Teradata Implementation 20 of the World’s Largest Retailers 19 of the World’s Largest Banks 10 of the World’s Largest Global Telecommunication 8 of the World’s Largest Airlines 10 of the World’s Largest Insurance Companies
Teradata Implementation Two largest commercial data warehouse in the world use Teradata SBC – Largest known data warehouse. 298 Nodes 150 Terabytes Walmart 228 Nodes More than 100 Terabytes
Teradata Implementation Retail Solutions Kmart Wal-Mart Sears JCPenney Migros Financial Solutions Bank of America Lloyds Bank Chase Manhattan Barclay’s Bank Citicorp Transportation American Airlines Union Pacific Railroad Continental Airlines Air France Burlington Northern Telecommunications AT&T Southwestern Bell Belgacom GTE Sprint Bell South
Teradata Implementation Insurance Anthem Blue/Cross The Hartford Zurich Kemple Life Merck Medco Mercy Health Government Agencies IRS AAFES DeCA DOJ TRW Defense Air Force Weather
Teradata vs. the Traditional Databases Teradata designed to accommodate data warehouse implementation. Traditional database systems were designed for transaction processing. Data warehousing features in the traditional databases rather patches on the top of the core database. Teradata has data warehousing features embedded into the core of the database. Linear scalability, unconditional parallelism, multi-faceted parallelism, intelligent data distribution, parallel-aware optimizer makes Teradata capable of handle large data and complex queries.
Teradata Products Teradata Database Version 2 Release Teradata Warehouse 7.1 Teradata Database Software Teradata SQL Assistant Teradata Utility Pak Teradata Manager Teradata Load & Unload Utilities Teradata Analyst Pak Teradata Warehouse Miner Teradata Metadata Services
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