WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Report from Fourth Preparatory Committee meeting 24 May – 7 June 2002.


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Presentation transcript:

WORLD SUMMIT ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Report from Fourth Preparatory Committee meeting 24 May – 7 June 2002

OBJECTIVES FOR PREPCOM 4 As with PrepCom 3: Achieve action orientated programme Achieve consensus on Africa chapter Assert economic platform Seek substantive commitments Build links between type 1 & 2 outcomes Keep balance in text between three pillars of sustainable development Push specific sectoral mandates

SA delegation DGs for DEAT, DFA, Agriculture, Land Affairs, DWAF, DACST Foreign Affairs & SA UN Mission NEPAD secretariat President’s Office & Youth Commission Departments of Provincial & Local Government, Agriculture, Arts & Culture, Education, Health, Minerals & Energy JOWSCO

SA delegation (Ministerial segment) Minister of Foreign Affairs (head of delegation) Ministers for Environmental Affairs & Tourism, Housing, Water Affairs and Forestry, Minerals and Energy Deputy Ministers for Agriculture and Land Affairs, Environmental Affairs & Tourism

Organisation of prepcom Negotiation of position through G77 Working groups on Chair’s text – WG1 dealt with Chapters – WG2 dealt with Chapters 5 – 9 – WG3 dealt with governance Multi-stakeholder dialogue Dialogue on partnerships High Level (Ministerial) Segment Side events and caucuses

Text: contentious issues Economic platform: G77 & China: inclusion of cbdr, implementation of Doha & Monterrey, additional resources for implementation, access to markets, trade-related technical assistance Developed countries: inclusion of precautionary principle, attempt to dilute gains of Doha & Monterrey, emphasising domestic governance and domestic mobilisation of resources, downplaying ODA

Text: contentious issues Energy: G77 (some elements) & JUSCANZ diluting energy targets, & renewables Water/sanitation: contention around sanitation target, resources for implementation Agriculture & food security: contention around “right to food” Consumption & production: contention around application of eco-labelling/ life-cycle approach Biodiversity: contention around actions to combat biodiversity loss Marine: contention around equitable allocation of fishing rights to developing countries

Text: unresolved issues Further negotiations required on Inclusion of additional targets and timeframes Meaning of program of action Links between type 1 and type 2 Key principles (cbdr; precautionary) Finance & trade (particularly relationship between WSSD, Doha and Monterrey) Governance Sectoral issues (climate change, renewable energy, living marine resources)

Political declaration Bali only expected to deliver core elements Initial attempt to introduce draft declaration independently of agreement on text Elements discussed in Ministerial Segment Broad agreement that declaration should: – Be concise, inspirational – Reiterate commitment to implementation of Agenda 21 and Rio principles – Emphasise multi-lateral co-operation in poverty eradication – Endorse implementation plan

Partnerships Partnerships relate to type 1 & type 2 Type 1: mandated by intergovernmental agreement Type 2: voluntary, but within framework of draft implementation plan G77: strong links between T1&T2; structured co-ordination and monitoring JUSCANZ: laissez faire approach to type 2 partnerships, no structured co-ordination, no monitoring, no links with type 1 Stakeholders supportive of G77 position

Agencies General low profile & lack of technical inputs Some agencies disgruntled when CSD introduced draft program of action for energy Low profile in dialogue on “type 2” intiatives Profile in side events only Implications for UN reform

Multi stakeholder dialogue Constraints: various parallel processes Concern about limited government engagement in dialogue Concerns raised about weak text, dilution of targets, no commitments Concern about physical separation of government and stakeholder venues

Assessment PrepCom IV secured global agreement on framework for Summit, including: Focus on 3 pillars of sustainable development Action-oriented text Targets based on MDGs Agreement on the need for concrete implementation frameworks in key sectors Elements of “deal” identified, not agreed Broad agreement on approach to political declaration

SA highlights Sound relationship with G77; SA provided consistent technical support in negotiations, chaired contact groups for G77 (trade/ finance) Gained acknowledgement for playing “quiet” brokering role Successfully hosted 2 side events (NEPAD and African process on oceans and coasts) JOWSCO had high profile (report on state of readiness; excellent stand) Cultural event well received; video message from President Mbeki

Further work needed Structured processes needed to broker agreement on: key elements of summit agreement bracketed text in the draft plan of implementation draft political declaration implementation frameworks to give effect to targets in key sectors Scope for SA to play leadership role

Way forward Clarify respective roles of Indonesia and South Africa in lead up to Johannesburg Process to broker agreement on text on trade, finance, means of implementation Process on implementation plans in priority sectors (lead countries & agencies) Process on political declaration Strengthen engagement with stakeholders