The Challenges and Case for Indicators within the Context of Strategies for Sustainable Development Western Cape Sustainable Development Conference June 2005
OVERVIEW 1.Mandate 2.The Case for Indicators 3.The Mandate for Indicators 4.Challenges 5.Priority areas and Way Forward
The Case for Indicators 1.Indicators as common platform to measure performance and improve service delivery Health, Education, Social Services 2.Qualitative and Quantitative Data and Information for Decision making Protected Areas, GHG Emissions 3.Reporting on National and International Obligations JPOI, MDGs, NEMA, Human Rights 4.Planning Tools Partnerships, Corporate Social Responsibility, International Cooperation
The mandate for Indicators 1.…Encourage States to continue to work on the development and application of indicators for sustainable development at the national level, including integration of gender aspects, on a voluntary basis, in line with their national conditions and priorities – CSD 13 Decision, …Strengthen national and regional information and statistical and analytical services relevant to sustainable development policies and programmes, including data disaggregated by sex, age and other factors – JPOI, Ch X Par Monitoring and evaluation are key areas requiring urgent attention. Comprehensive analysis of the impact of developmental programmes against consistent and measurable criteria has been lacking. Appropriate targets and indicators will need to be developed for all three pillars of sustainable development. – DEAT NSSD, May 2004
Current Indicators A number of indicators exist at a national, regional and international level: 1.Poverty and Hunger Eradication ( MDG 1) Proportion of population living on less than $1 per day Prevalence of underweight children under 5 years 2. Environmental Sustainability ( MDG 7) Ratio of area protected to maintain biological diversity to surface area Written Submissions Proportion of households with access to secure tenure 3.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases ( MDG 6) % of population aged with comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS Proportion of population in malaria risk areas using effective malaria prevention and treatment measures 4.Access to Basic Education ( SA Policy) Distance from home to school Facilities and Educational Material
CHALLENGES 1.Defining the national context and conditions e.g poverty target, access to decision making etc. 2.A common sustainable development vision, goals and targets with No common sustainable development ( NSSD) framework for government, business and civil society 3.Statistical Capacity ( Quality, information gathering and processing) 4.Administrative and governance framework limitations 5.A constrained policy making space
Priority and Way Forward 1.Development of National, Provincial and Local government monitoring and evaluation mechanism beyond intra and intergovernmental, and corporative governance systems 2.Development of benchmarks in CSI and Civil Society Accountability ( beyond legislative compliance and Tick box approach 3.Integrate existing indicators into simpler headline indicators on key sustainable development goals and targets 4.Build and strengthen statistical capacity including streamlining reporting burdens 5.Develop a national Strategy fod sustianble Development
Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism THANK YOU Blessing Manale Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Tel: (012)