INTER-AGENCY ACTIVITIES FOR data collection on Environment statistics in SURINAME NAME: Ms. Anjali De Abreu- Kisoensingh Division: Research & Planning ( Staff member Research & Planning, and Environment focal point) Presented by: Mr. G. Koornaar Manager Economic Statistics General Bureau of Statistics Surinam St. Vincent & the Grenadines 7-8 april 2014
GBS-Environment Publication & MDG reporting So far Suriname has published 5 Publications on environment, in 2002,2006,2008,2010 and 2012.In July 2014 the GBS hopes to launch its 6 th Publication on environment. The next GBS publication will also include MDG data. In the month of August, Suriname will launch its 3 rd MDG report. The last one was produced in 2009
Data gathered for the Environment Publication The launch of the 6 th Publication is planned for July 2014 this year. Steps for data collection 1. In January 2014 invitation letters for providing data were send to the directors (managers) of all the stakeholders. The stakeholders are trusted to provide the GBS with the necessary data before the deadline. 2. Data is accepted by all possible means ( , post, fax etc.) 3. There will be a workshop with the stakeholders to inform them about the state of affairs regarding the publication. This workshop is planned for May and it is in collaboration with Conservation International & UNDP. On that workshop a ‘zero draft’ with all the remaining gaps is presented and stakeholders get an additional month to fill these gaps. 4. Processing and analyzing the data 5. Publication launch
Topics and Data Resources
Content of Environment Publication
Cont’d Content
Date of the Meetings held for the MDG report In total there were 6 meetings with all the focal points from the ministries responsible for goal 7. The dates of the meeting were: 22 th of November Meeting with the 12 focal points ( data gaps) 10 th of December Meeting with the 12 focal points (data gaps and policies) 18 th of February the first MDG workshop and launch of the 1 st draft report, with all the MDG focal points and other Institutes.( data gaps/policies/achievement/challenges) 6 th of March Meeting with the 12 focal points (screening of data & policies) 20 th of March Meeting with the 12 focal points (screening of data & policies) 3th of April The second workshop held for all the focal points( screening data, policies, achievement, Challenges and Way Forward). Also seeing if the goal is met.
Meetings held for the MDG report The GBS in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the UNDP are responsible for the MDG report. Since 2013 preparations were made by the Min. of Foreign Affairs. All the 17 Ministries of Suriname are in the MDG working group. For Goal 7 there are 12 ministries involved. There were also one on one meetings, and continuously contact through and by phone with all the 12 focal points from Jan.-March There will be a second launch by the end of April of the second MDG draft report These meetings were very successful and on the next slide you can see the progress Suriname has made for goal 7.
MDG-Data availability Green = data and Policies available. Trend analyses is possible Orange = data only available for one year. So not possible to do trend analyses Red = No data available, No trend analyses
Advantages &Challenges Advantages: most of the stakeholders provide the data. The Workshops with all the stakeholders are very helpful The publication is produced by the GBS Challenges For some of the Environment Indicators there is no data available. For some indicators data is provided only through surveys( MICS every 5 years and Census every 10 years). So you only have data for some years. To get the data, the institutes need to be reminded constantly. ( calling, ing and personal visits) The data is not collected or processed in the format that GBS wants. We get “raw data”, and have to make our own judgments of the usefulness of the data. Need to also collect the metadata of the indicators from the ministries.
Bedankt! The end