Introduction to the Foundation Stage Parent Workshop 1
Overview of the Curriculum
This will be the main focus of teaching and learning for the first half term. We will be promoting independence skills, confidence, sharing and taking turns, building relationships with adults and peers. Rules will be established with the children so that they take ownership over their behaviour. These skills are vital as they will stand them in good stead for the rest of their school lives and allow the children to be completely focus on their learning. Please encourage these skills at home and at school. Personal Social Education
Organisation All 7 areas are catered for inside and outside. Children will have the opportunity to be outside at some point in every day (come rain or shine!). Free flow between inside and outside even in bad weather. Classroom inside is set up into areas of learning; reading/writing/maths/EAD/UTW/Role-play etc Children will be learning through play based activities. There will be opportunities for children to initiate activities by themselves (‘jobs’ ‘choosing’). There will be opportunities for children to learn in a group with an adult as well as focused one to one work with an adult.
Recording Progress…
A Baseline Assessment is carried out in September and October – this assesses the level children are at when they enter school. Throughout the year children will be informally assessed using the Development Matters framework. This document provides examples of the small steps that lead to the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) in each area of development. Towards the end of the year the children are considered to be either Emerging, Meeting or Exceeding the ELGs and are deemed to have achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD) if they have met the expected levels for all three of the Prime Areas and the Specific areas of Literacy and Maths. This will be formalised in the summer and given to you in their end of year report. Teachers, teaching assistants and parents are a part of this assessment process – your comments about your child’s learning are much appreciated so please inform me of any progress you notice in your child at home so this can be added to their learning journey book.
The Learning Journey Book Your child's first year at school will be documented in their own individual book. There will be opportunities throughout the year for you to view your child’s Learning Journey and add any comments you may have to the ‘parent comment page’ at the front. Their ‘Learning Journey’ will contain photographs, notes made by myself and my teaching assistants, work the children have done with an adult and most importantly work that they have instigated themselves. Anything children produce at home can also be included so that we are all contributing to provide a rounded picture of your child’s learning and development. Remember to record any achievements on a Star sheet
How to help at home... Encouraging independence Coming into school Looking after own things Changing and unchanging Eating Supporting learning Singing phonics songs and actions. Practice writing letters (big movements) making sure formation is correct. Reading for 5 minutes every day (don’t just focus on words – the pictures, the story, the child’s predictions and feelings about the story are as important) Practising word cards on a daily basis-these need to be read by sight. Counting and recognising numbers in daily life
Parent workshops The next workshops will be in more detail and will focus on the specifics of a particular area of learning. The more you know about your child’s learning, the more you can help them to grow and develop. Working in partnership with the school is the best way to ensure your child is happy and achieving well. Hope to see you next time!
Question time!