Sir Alan Steer Headteacher Seven Kings High School London Borough of Redbridge
Seven Kings High School A 15 year journey towards Formative Assessment
The school Comprehensive Urban location 1360 students on roll 75% English as an additional language 20% Free school meals Inclusion: disabled access initiative
Core beliefs (non negotiable) Schools exist for children The receipt of a high quality education is a right All children are capable of achievement The potential of each individual is an unknown quantity Improvement is a continuous process
Success Indicators Achievement outcomes across the age and ability range Quality of teaching and learning within the school Pupil attitudes and relationships Pupil pathways at 16+ and 18+ Staff attitudes and relationships School contribution to education community
Formative Assessment: Creating the Culture Key Principles: Focus on creative learning and teaching strategies Teaching through knowledge Teaching as a team Consistency not confusion Baseline expectations
Formative Assessment: Creating the Culture Key Elements: Information exchange Student guidance Performance analysis Active student participation in the learning process Classroom management
Does it work? High performance at all levels The Language of Learning Good social indicators -attendance -behaviour -relationships High teacher morale
Not always ……
Shannon - Year 7 Ari - 3rd year of teaching Miss is building my confidence because she pushes me to do things at first I think I can’t and now I know I can I have been made to think about who I am as a teacher and it has changed my practice. I no longer just think about maths. I am now more aware of the learning and the pupils being at the centre of that
High expectations are not enough. People need to be shown how to achieve those expectations.