Resources Resources 2 Economies Country Types Trade 100 200300 400 500 100 200300 400 500 100 200300 400 500 100 200300 400 500 100 200300 400 500 Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Resources Resources 2 Economies Country Types Trade Team 1 ScoreTeam 2 Score Jeopardy

Materials from the Earth that people us to meet their needs. Jeopardy Board Natural Resources move to reveal Resources - 100

Renewable Jeopardy Board Natural Resources that can be replaced. move to reveal Resources- 200

Nonrenewable Jeopardy Board Natural Resources that can NOT be replaced. move to reveal Resources - 300

Resources Something that is limited in supply is ______________. Jeopardy Board finite move to reveal

Resources Fossil Fuels are part of which group of resources? Jeopardy Board Nonrenewable move to reveal

Resources This form of renewable resource uses water. Jeopardy Board hydroelectric move to reveal

Resources This renewable resource uses the sun. Jeopardy Board Solar move to reveal

Resources Name a fossil fuel. Jeopardy Board Coal, Oil, Natural Gas move to reveal

Resources The minimum wage is the U.S. Jeopardy Board $7.25 move to reveal

Resources The minimum wage in SD. Jeopardy Board $8.50 move to reveal

Economies Production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Jeopardy Board economics move to reveal

Economies The most common economic system. Usually market and command. Jeopardy Board Mixed move to reveal

Economies Economy where government controls all things. Jeopardy Board Command move to reveal

Economies Economy where individuals determine what is produced. The market is set by supply and demand. Jeopardy Board Market move to reveal

Economies Jeopardy Board Traditional move to reveal The goal of this economy is to follow customs passed down from generation to generation.

Types of Countries Focuses on services and relies on technology. Jeopardy Board Developed move to reveal

Types of Countries Focuses on manufacturing. Jeopardy Board Industrial move to reveal

Types of Countries Focuses on agriculture Jeopardy Board Developing move to reveal

Types of Countries Most people in developing countries work as... Jeopardy Board subsistence farmers move to reveal

Types of Countries An agreement to eliminate trade barriers. Like NAFTA. Jeopardy Board Free Trade move to reveal

Trade Buying goods from another country. Jeopardy Board Importing move to reveal

Trade Selling a good to another country. Jeopardy Board Exporting move to reveal

Trade This is a limit to how many of certain item can be imported. Jeopardy Board Quota move to reveal

Trade A tax on a good. Jeopardy Board Tariff move to reveal

Trade What is NAFTA? Jeopardy Board North American Free Trade Agreement move to reveal

Final Jeopardy F ill in the blank. Because we live in a globalized culture we are said to be ________________. This means we rely on one another for ideas, ________, services and markets. This is a result from improvements in ________________ and transportation. People can now work in three basic types of industry. A person in the agricultural industry might be a _____________. A person in the industrial industry might be a _______________. A person in the service industry might be a ___________.