Group 2 Aurora Cain Michael Liu Brian Rozier UNC Charlotte ITCS 4146 Spring 2007
Extension of Assignment 6 (GridSphere portlet assignment) Integration of Assignment 4a (Globus – grid service and client) What: Creating a portlet to access a Globus grid service
Completion of Assignment 4 ◦ Software: Globus Toolkit, JDK ◦ Knowledge of Grid services, how to deploy, etc. Completion of current Assignment 6 ◦ (Additional) Software: GridSphere, Tomcat ◦ Knowledge of GridSphere, creating projects, deploying, etc.
1. GridSphere installation and config 2. Create Odd-Even portlet (code provided) 1.Create project 2.Edit deployment descriptor files 3.Compile and deploy 4.Configure GridSphere group and portlet access 3. Create Math (+, -, *, /) portlet 1.Same as Odd-Even, except self-developed
New: ◦ Tomcat config ◦ Copying new files to appropriate locations Reuse: ◦ Math service from Assignment 4 ◦ General GridSphere config from Assignment 6
Globus container uses port 8080 by default GridSphere (Tomcat container) uses port 8080 by default Need to change Tomcat default port (in %CATALINA_HOME%\server.xml ): <Connector port="8081" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100" connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
Math service files Tomcat ◦ From GT4Services\build\classes This is output as part of Assignment 4a From globus-deploy-gar ◦ To %CATALINA_HOME%\shared\classes Globus shared libraries (JARs) Tomcat ◦ From %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\lib ◦ To %CATALINA_HOME%\shared\lib Do not overwrite any existing JARs
Create new project for Math client Edit appropriate deployment descriptor files Create appropriate code to access portlet etc. (same steps as original Assignment 6)
Math service (Globus) ◦ globus-start-container -nosec Math client portlet (GridSphere) ◦ Run globus-devel-env.bat to configure classpath Must be done from working directory: %GLOBUS_LOCATION%\etc ◦ Deploy as usual (using ant install ) ◦ Stop and restart Tomcat (if running)
Login to GridSphere Add new portlet to demo group (or other group name specified in group.xml )
Add subtraction functionality to portlet